
Form processing made easy with PHP

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Form processing made easy with PHP

User defined callback functions for form elements
No need for complicated if/else structures
Supports optional inputs and array data
Automatic filling for value attributes, selected attributes etc.
Asynchronous value checks & form submit (configurable)

Please see demo.php for complete usage instructions

A form processed with SnappyForm can be tested here: https://www.pickmybra.in/snappy/demo.php

A list of methods:

form_filter(string $submit_element)

  • Required only if multiple forms are to be processed.
  • Calling this before deploying settings or printing form values limits the effects on that particular form only.

set_error_messages(string | array $msg)

  • takes a string or an associative array as parameter, sets general or element specific error messages
  • $msg = "This error message will be shown for all inputs";
  • $msg["element_name"] = "element specific error message";

set_rules(array $rules)

  • sets input filtering rules for different inputs
  • associative array formats:
  • $rules["element_name_1"] = array("filter_function_1");
  • $rules["element_name_2"] = array("filter_function_2" => array("param1", "param2"));

set_async_submit(bool $value)

  • enable / disable asynchronous form submissions

set_async_check(bool $value)

  • enable / disable asynchronous individual input value checks

set_async_reset(bool $value)

  • enabled / disable form reset after successful asynchronous submit

set_submit_loading_value(string $value | bool false)

  • if set, replaces form submit button's value with the given $value after it has been clicked
  • also disables the button until a response is received from the server
  • works even if set_async_submit() is set to false

set_callback_function(string $function_name, obj $instance = null)

  • calls $function_name after successful form submission.
  • If $instance is provided, method named $function_name will be called from the provided instance
  • required for asynchronous form submits!
  • this function must return true or false

set_loading_message(string $loading_message)

  • a loading message can be shown during the asynchronous input value checks
  • will be shown in the error message container, unless an input specific loader position is defined with the loader() method

set_default_values(array $values)

  • default values can be set for the form inputs with this method
  • associative array format: $values["element_name"] = "element default value";
  • this method can be called multiple times, but defining the same element_name again will overwrite previous settings for that given element

process_form(string|array $element_name, string $form_method = "")

  • processes form data, is triggered by form element named $element_name
  • also accepts multiple element names in array format, if multiple forms are processed with the same SnappyForm instance
  • $form_method can be null/empty, "post" or "get"
  • returns NULL if no form submission was detected,
  • false if input values failed to pass the defined rules
  • true if input values passed the rule check


  • resets all form values to defaults (for example, after successful submission)

success(string $success_message)

  • returns a success message after successful form submission (=rule check passed)
  • if callback function is defined, (bool)true output value is expected for success message to be shown

failure(string $callback_failure_message)

  • returns an error, if callback function is defined and it returns a non true value

error(string $element_name)

  • returns an input value error set with set_error_messages(), if errornous value was provided and error message is defined

loader(string $element_name)

  • places the loading message, which will be shown during asynchronous input value checks (if set)
  • if loading message is defined and loader() is not called, the loading message will be shown in the element specific error message container instead

value(string $element_name, string $seek = "", string $return = "")

  • returns submitted value for the given input/element
  • if second parameter is defined and it matches the submitted value, third parameter is returned. returns empty string if values do not match.

print_async_handler(string $target_file = "")

  • prints javascript handler ( < script> ... < /script> ) for asynchronous value checks and form submission
  • takes $target_file as an optional parameter - required only if the form is printed and processed in different files
  • call this function only after the form has been printed, not before it!