Comprehensive Poverty map using older ArcGIS Javascript. Using table B17024 of the 5 Year ACS by census tract.
Data for map is maintained in ArcGIS Online and updated each year with the new ACS data.
To update the data:
- Download table B17024 for all tracts in Colorado, including the MOE.
- In the downloaded spreadsheet, create a new column for GEOID (11 digit code, 08 for Colorado, three digits for county code and 6 digits for tract code.
- Delete the Unique ID column and the top row.
- From a previous version of the data, copy the column headers and past them in place of the existing column headers.
- Attach the spreadsheet to a census tract shapefile and delete unnecessary columns (everything but the geoid and data rows).
- Upload the shapefile into ArcGIS Online.
- Modify index.html and indiv.js in this repository to read the new data.
- Pull the changes into the website2 docker container.