Demonstration implementations of neural network image processing algorithms
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#15 opened by GlebSBrykin - 1
- 1
- 1
Would you mind sharing your implementation for the loss function you used during training?
#11 opened by yhymason - 0
English branch
#10 opened by GlebSBrykin - 7
- 0
Выполнить глубокий рефакторинг всех кодов
#1 opened by GlebSBrykin - 0
- 2
ability to save generated images
#9 opened by mcDandy - 1
Добавить поддержку вычислений на GPU
#6 opened by GlebSBrykin - 7
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Newbie in C#
#3 opened by leefeel - 1
- 1
Issue with testing
#8 opened by mcDandy