An actually good first person controller for the Godot Engine (version 2)
- AlbertScoot
- AlexRazor1337Ukraine
- alitnk@tamagui
- alptekinnege
- AmirDotDev0
- andygeorge@DefinedNet
- AriesFoxgirl
- AV306one degree north
- betternoname
- bhargavamanStallions Marketing Solutions
- bryab
- Conferencier
- csy7749
- Dan-Mizu@LilypadGames
- DancingEngieIsrael
- das6ngForever9 Games
- GeometrorKarlsruhe Institute of Technology, @godotengine
- Hyrilorius
- igordias2
- jemorya
- khunnaballEngland
- kindlyfireThe Ardennes
- MakovWait
- maxatworkBerlin
- niandrei
- NickCrawfordNYC
- now-its-dark
- OfficialBAMM
- r2d2m
- Shadow1363Brazil
- tessiof
- testman42
- Th3R3al0
- thederpykrafterUnited States
- TVBrowntown
- zhaozhenyu99