- 3
dA/dLambda outputs: trajectory file and dispersion
#678 opened by EzryStIago - 0
Change integer types in OPES OpenMP loops to comply with MSVC requirements
#756 opened by giacomofiorin - 0
- 0
Documentation: update the descriptions of moving frame of reference and enableFitGradients
#748 opened by HanatoK - 2
- 0
Separate computation and update steps into two distinct functions of the module's external API
#747 opened by giacomofiorin - 4
usage of abf_integrate
#702 opened by meghaparashar2 - 2
Drop Oracle/Sun compiler from CI tests?
#595 opened by giacomofiorin - 0
Allowing the script API to return atom IDs even in scalable computations
#703 opened by giacomofiorin - 1
Feature request: reusable bias
#712 opened by HanatoK - 0
Colvars Errors to restart
#741 opened by kail0221 - 0
Resolve conflicts in extended ebMeta code
#739 opened by giacomofiorin - 0
- 1
- 2
sh: 15: hash: Illegal option -t
#693 opened by ljh433 - 12
distance_dir::apply_force seems incorrect
#714 opened by HanatoK - 1
[BUG] Segmentation fault in colvarbias_meta::calc_energy() with useGrids off
#705 opened by alphataubio - 2
Compilation error in GROMACS main test code
#716 opened by giacomofiorin - 2
#707 opened by groponp - 2
Colvars Errors to restart
#711 opened by groponp - 5
- 0
Question on implementing a new sampling method
#698 opened by vineetbansal - 0
Multiple-walker shared ABF does not restart correctly
#685 opened by jhenin - 0
customFunction module as reaction coordinate
#689 opened by satyajitkhatua09 - 0
Support patch number for code version
#671 opened by giacomofiorin - 8
cv save changes prefix for future output
#683 opened by jhenin - 3
Error while compiling GROMACS after patching
#684 opened by qzchen2022 - 2
Calculating biasing forces from Well-tempered Metadynamics simulations
#679 opened by Praveen-Prabhakar - 3
LAMMPS proxy end_of_step() masks base class method
#677 opened by jhenin - 3
- 0
Backup files consistently with backends
#669 opened by giacomofiorin - 1
Dark mode and VMD - invisible text
#664 opened by balazsfabian - 4
Colvars dashboard - colvars do not appear
#661 opened by balazsfabian - 0
For the output result of CVHD with colvars module , how to obtain the value of global collective variable(cv) η according to the paper,whose title is 'Merging metadynamics into hyperdynamics: accelerated molecular simulations Reaching time scales from microseconds to seconds'
#662 opened by 12jscvb - 0
- 4
repeat outputting "colvars: The restart output state file will be ..." when using MonteCarloBarostat
#619 opened by fhh2626 - 8
GROMACS - issue continuing a simulation
#651 opened by fadelm01 - 1
- 10
- 2
Redundant link to updated doc in manual?
#633 opened by jhenin - 0
Race condition in CMake symlink creation in CI tests
#625 opened by jhenin - 1
- 1
- 1
CTest coverage reporting
#613 opened by jhenin - 0
More flexible control of PBC error handling
#612 opened by giacomofiorin - 0
- 6
- 5
NAMD gets stuck when enabling energy minimization with CUDASOAIntegrate and Colvars
#598 opened by fhh2626 - 0
- 0
Consolidate backend test runners
#597 opened by giacomofiorin