Data Structure

This is a repo for recording course Data Structure. Anyone can use the code inside freely, with Liences of course. Maybe there are few mistakes in codes, you can pull correct codes if you're willing to do that. I will be glad to receive your advices to correct or imporve my codes of this repo.

Chapter 0

Some basic knowledges of OOP, template and etc.

Chapter 1

Data Structure: List

  1. Seq_list -> achieve by array
  2. Link_list -> achieve by pointer

Chapter 2

Data Structure: Stack

  1. Seq_stack -> achieve by array
  2. Link_stack -> achieve by pointer

Puzzles: Legitimate out-of-stack sequence

Chapter 3

Data Sturcture: Queue

  1. Seq_queue -> achieve by array
  2. Link_queue -> achieve by pointer
  3. Circular Queue(Under developing)

Chapter 4

Data Sturcture: tree

Chapter 5

Data Structure: Priority Queue and heap