The Basic Ontology Language (BOL) is a toy language for designing ontologies made-up for educational purposes in a course on knowledge representation and processing (WuV) by Michael Kohlhase and Florian Rabe.
This repository formalizes BOL and gives
- a deductive semantics for BOL given by a derivation calculus
- a semantics BOL -> FOL
- a semantics BOL -> SQL
- a semantics FOL -> TPTP (an interface language to feed FOL automatic theorem provers)
Sample BOL ontology as a Coq definition (and using a lot of notations):
Definition sampleOntology : bolOntology :=
CON "professor" ;;
CON "lecturer" ;;
CON "course" ;;
REL "teaches" ;;
REL "responsible for" ;;
IND "FR" ;;
IND "WuV" ;;
"FR" <."teaches" u "responsible for".> "WuV" ;;
"lecturer" == "professor" ;;
Definition sampleQuery: bolQuery := (sampleOntology, "WuV" IS-A "course").
Definition bolQueryToTPTP := tptpQueryToString ∘ folQueryToTPTP ∘ bolQueryToFol.
Compute (bolQueryToTPTP sampleQuery).
Here, we see a semantics construction from BOL to FOL, to TPTP, and finally to a string. The output is:
= "fof(0, axiom, ects(wuv, s(s(s(s(s(z))))))).
fof(1, axiom, hard(wuv, false)).
fof(2, axiom, course(wuv)).
fof(3, axiom, taughtat(wuv, fau)).
fof(4, axiom, lecturer(fr)).
fof(5, axiom, ?[Z] : ((teaches(fr, Z)) & (taughtat(Z, fau)))).
fof(6, axiom, ![X] : ((lecturer(X)) => (![Y] : ((teaches(X, Y)) => (course(Y)))))).
fof(query, conjecture, course(wuv))."
: string
This TPTP document can then be fed, for instance, to the Vampire automatic theorem prover.
Install Coq and run
coqc utils.v -R . bol
coqc bol.v -R . bol
coqc bolcalc.v -R . bol
coqc fol.v -R . bol
coqc sql.v -R . bol
coqc boltofol.v -R . bol
coqc foltotptp.v -R . bol
coqc boltosql.v -R . bol
coqc main.v -R . bol
Copyable one-liner for PowerShell:
coqc utils.v -R . bol;coqc bol.v -R . bol;coqc bolcalc.v -R . bol;coqc fol.v -R . bol;coqc sql.v -R . bol;coqc boltofol.v -R . bol;coqc foltotptp.v -R . bol;coqc boltosql.v -R . bol;coqc main.v -R . bol;
Then you can seamlessly open main.v
in CoqIDE (or other Coq IDEs) and step through it!
TODO: improve build system.