
Vroom-processing is an experimental processing library that enables communication between processing sketches and vroom applications.

The following code demonstrates how to send a message from a processing sketch.

import vroom.datastream.*;

DataStream stream = new DataStream();

void setup() {
   stream.sendMessage("vroom.control", "Hello from processing");

The message "Hello from processing" would be sent to the communicate function of any running vroom application.


Vroom-processing uses the RabbitMQ messaging system. Make sure that you have this package installed and that the service is running. On Ubuntu, you can do the following.

sudo apt-get install rabbitmq-server

If the service is not running (check sudo service rabbitmq-server status) you can start it as follows.

sudo service rabbitmq-server start


Before installation, you must compile the library. This requires that you have a Java Development Kit (JDK) installed on you system. On Ubuntu, you can install the openjdk package.

sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk

Once you have a JDK installed you can build the processing library.

cd vroom/src

Finally, to install the library, simply copy (or link) the vroom/ directory into your processing libraries/ directory. For example, if your sketchbook/ directory is located in your home directory, you could do the following.

cp -r vroom/ ~/sketchbook/libraries

The next time you launch processing you should see vroom listed as a contributed library.

Example Programs

There are a couple example programs included with the library. To try them out open the processing "Examples" window and look under "Contributed Libraries".