
Vrui-launcher is a launcher program for VRUI applications. It allows users to create individual VRUI configurations and has a GUI for easily changing settings.

Vrui-launcher uses GSettings to store the user's settings and should be run on a system with the GNOME desktop installed.


On Ubuntu, vrui-launcher can be installed from the KeckCAVES PPA.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:keckcaves/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install vrui-launcher

To manually install vrui-launcher, first install the python module and then compile the GSettings schema.

sudo python setup.py install
sudo glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas


To run a VRUI application with vrui-launcher just add vrui-launcher in front of the command. For example, to run the ShowEarthModel example program you would call it like this.

vrui-launcher /usr/bin/ShowEarthModel

The user's configuration settings will automatically be merged with the system Vrui.cfg file.

If the program is in your $PATH you can just use the program name like this.

vrui-launcher ShowEarthModel

Arguments can be passed to the program in the normal way. For example, to add an arthquake data set to the ShowEarthModel program you could do the following.

vrui-launcher ShowEarthModel -quakes /path/to/earthquake.anss

You can even merge additional VRUI config files. This is the command we use to launch flow, which has additional config settings for the Razer Hydra controller.

vrui-launcher /usr/bin/flow -mergeConfig /etc/flow/RazerMapping.cfg

Graphical Interface

There is a graphical interface for easily setting or modifying configuration values. You can launch it by running the following command in the terminal.
