
Insert special characters into CommonDoc documents.

Primary LanguageCommon Lisp


Build Status

A CommonDoc extension for inserting special characters.


Most input methods allow the user to insert characters in different alphabets and accented or modified versions of the same, but these are different for everyone and often the user will end up looking up a character by name.

Thorn is a tool for inserting Unicode characters by an ASCII name, the way TeX allows users to insert the letters α and þ with the commands \alpha and \th, respectively.

Simply put, it defines a macro that maps a string to a Unicode character.


To insert a character by name, use the l macro (For 'letter'). The content of that macro should be a single text node.

For example, in VerTeX, the following:

The fine-structure constant, \l{alpha}, is approximately 7.29e\sup{-3}.

Produces this:

The fine-structure constant, α, is approximately 7.29e-3.

List of Characters

Diacritical Marks

Acute Accent

Name Character
'a á
'A Á
'c ć
'C Ć
'e é
'E É
'g ǵ
'G Ǵ
'i í
'I Í
'l ĺ
'L Ĺ
'm ḿ
'n ń
'N Ń
'o ó
'O Ó
'r ŕ
'R Ŕ
's ś
'S Ś
'u ú
'U Ú
'y ý
'Y Ý
'z ź
'Z Ź

Double Acute Accent

Name Character
''o ő
''O Ő
''u ű
''U Ű



Name Character
alpha α
Alpha Α
beta β
Beta Β
gamma γ
Gamma Γ
delta δ
Delta Δ
epsilon ε
Epsilon Ε
zeta ζ
Zeta Ζ
eta η
Eta Η
theta θ
Theta Θ
iota ι
Iota Ι
kappa κ
Kappa Κ
lambda λ
Lambda Λ
mu μ
Mu Μ
nu ν
Nu Ν
xi ξ
Xi Ξ
omicron ο
Omicron Ο
pi π
Pi Π
rho ρ
Rho Ρ
sigma σ
fsigma ς
Sigma Σ
tau τ
Tau Τ
upsilon υ
Upsilon Υ
phi φ
Phi Φ
chi χ
Chi Χ
psi ψ
Psi Ψ
omega ω
Omega Ω


Name Character


The following were consulted in the elaboration of this list:


Copyright (c) 2015 Fernando Borretti

Licensed under the MIT License.