
Information about the Token Engineering Commons

Token Engineering Commons – INFO

WebsiteForumDiscordMediumYoutubeGitHubTwitterTelegramWikiWorking GroupsTEC Handbook (GitBook) - GlossaryTEC Coordination Workspace (ZenHub) – Calendar

Table of Contents

Token Engineering Commons

  • TEC Onboarding and Resources Guide – (Roadmap)

    TEC Vision
    The TEC envisions a world with safe digital socio-economic public infrastructures that are diversely designed and aligned with collective needs.

    The TEC operates from a prosocial human centered perspective.
    We hold ourselves to high standards of safety, resilience, and integrity.
    We encourage our members to be radically open source, non-hierarchical, creative, transparent in their intentions and accountable for their actions.


    The TEC has its own tailored rules and boundaries, which are co-created and translated into protocols, processes and guidelines that are made to follow our values, take care of our system and regulate autonomously.

  • How to Join the Token Engineering Commons

TEC Blog Posts

  • Kicking off the Token Engineering Commons - The TEC envisions a world with safe digital economies that protect and support public goods

    The Token Engineering Commons (TEC) is an open source and collectively governed project that aims to create a token economy that will accelerate the responsible & ethical creation of public goods within the TE community.

    This token economy will be based off of 1Hive’s Gardens template and have a bonding curve that feeds into a conviction voting DAO.

  • How to Earn TEC Tokens Now: An Inside Look at Impact Hours

    Community stewards and contributors from around the world are working together on the foundations of the open source project based on a rewards system developed by the Commons Stack known as Praise. Through Telegram and Discord bots and bridges, community members dish Praise to each other to recognize work. The Praise is dished according to a Tier system developed by members: Praise Tier system Tier 1 — Concrete unpaid volunteer work for building the TE Commons smart contract system and culture around it that is needed to accomplish the roadmap — 100% “Power” Tier 2 — Work that supports the Tier 1 actions like donations, TEC promotion, votes on proposals, etc — 25% “Power” Tier 3 — Supporting work that helps the TE Community, indirectly helping to build the TE Commons. If a contribution is part of tier one or two but the contributor is being paid for it they’ll receive Tier 3 Praise — 5% “Power”

  • Gravity Training, Voting Underway & Intrinsic Motivation and Rewards

    Happy New Year everyone! It has been a happy 2021 so far with the TEC in full sprint, building towards the hatch scheduled for March. There are some important votes underway, lively discussions in culture and an upcoming conflict resolution training open for participants.

  • Momentum Builds: Gravitons, Hatch DAOs, Indigenomics & Dandelions

    The Gravity Working Group is a collective that aims to bring people together and promote resilience in decentralized organizations by training its members in non-violent communication, understanding and analyzing conflict and techniques to manage it. To do this, Gravity needs Gravitons!

TEC Forum

  • Welcome to the TEC Category

    Here you can learn everything you need to know about our community

  • What is the TEC?

    The TE Commons mission is to gather and steward the efficient distribution of funds to projects in the emerging field of token engineering to encourage the robust and ethical design of tokenized infrastructures. The TE Commons will curate and connect projects to the resources they need, while also evolving and maintaining our own healthy culture & regenerative infrastructure where capital supports contributions, contributions create value, value empowers token engineers, and people who appreciate token engineers being empowered contribute capital of all sorts.

  • Glossary of Terms
  • Submit a Proposal for Funding - Proposals

The Token Engineering Commons is now accepting funding proposal submissions from Token Engineering and related open source projects focusing on TE public goods. TE project leaders can submit a proposal, get feedback from the TEC community and once the Commons is hatched, submit that proposal to the Commons for a vote to receive the requested funding.

  • How to Join & Contribute?
  • How to Earn Tokens
    • Participate in the TEC Hatch early in Q1 2021
    • Contribute work to the core mission of the TEC
      Work Recognition via the Praise System:
      Community stewards and contributors have developed the foundations of the open source project based on a rewards system developed by the Commons Stack known as Praise. Through Telegram and Discord bots and bridges, community members dish Praise to each other to recognize work. The Praise is evaluated according to a Tier system developed by members.

We have six very active working groups building the commons. Below is a description of each working group and the Discourse/Telegram/Discord handles for the community stewards who are leading the groups if you have any questions: - How to Join & Contribute?

Weekly sync calls Thursday 7pm CET ☎ TEC Call Agenda & Notes

NEW MEMBERS NEED TO JOIN TE PRAISE CHANNEL - Please join and say hi or post an emoji to receive Praise which turns into TEC tokens :D

Community Stewards WG

TEC Community Stewards meet every Wednesday at 7pm CET on Discord. Tamara @Tam2140

  • Community Stewards WG manifesto
    • Steward support. To allow community stewards to gather and discuss what we are feeling in the community and any issues or blockers they may be experiencing themselves or within their WG. This weekly space allows raised problems to be solved in a group setting with the benefit of collective intelligence.
    • Nurture Community. Nurturing the overall culture/growth of the TEC community
    • Planning. To plan and coordinate interdependent activities across multiple WG.
    • Shared vision. To ensure all Stewards are aware of the other WG priorities and activities and are focused on our shared roadmap.
    • Maintain knowledge. To maintain an active group of community stewards who are well versed in how the TEC functions and are ready to pitch in to help advance TEC goals.
    • Vision and Values. Maintain alignment with the TEC mission vision and values.

Hatcher Outreach WG

Hatcher Outreach is making sure everyone knows how to join and collaborate, specially the stakeholders that will be initializing our economy. @vegayp

  • Hatcher Outreach Forum Post
  • Hatchers outreach WG - Transparency Audit : Feb. 23, 2021 - Criteria/Checklist

    For the audit to be successful, the working groups will prepare the documentation needed to fulfill the audit criteria/checklist. The documentation will be gathered and saved in each WG section in the TEC Forum. The WG’s completed audit checklist form and their corresponding documentation will be reviewed regularly (frequency will be identified after trial audit) by the Transparency WG, but each WG may request an audit if they want to improve their transparency in between the reviews. The Transparency WG will make a note in the WG’s Forum section when the WG was audited.

  • Hatch TL;DR for potential hatchers

    The Hatch is the critical initial phase of the Token Engineering Commons (TEC). The purpose of this document is to guide you through the steps of the Hatch and what happens to liquidity that is deposited. There’s a couple key variables to be aware of in the Hatch, the numeric values of these variables will be chosen by the community (your economy, your choice) but the overarching principles are very important to understand.

  • TEC Hatch Dashboard
  • Hatcher Outreach Group Manifesto - v. 1.07.1


    • Prepare the forum to work as a main communication platform for Hatchers and Proposals.
    • Track, engage, and connect Hatchers, Builders (a.k.a proposals), Communities, and Organizations pre- and post-Hatch
    • Coordinate with COMS and LEGAL so any update, change or information related and relevant for Hatchers and proposals, are being transmitted.
    • Educate the Hatchers so they feel comfortable contributing to the TEC Hatch
    • Educate the Proposals so they feel comfortable proposing to the TEC via the forum before the Hatch
    • Make sure that the objectives, principles and intentions from the TEC are transmitted and clearly communicated.
  • How to Become a Hatcher

    A Hatcher is a founding member of the TEC DAO. As a hatcher, you will be a key member of our community who will have governance rights in the newly launched TEC DAO. It is you, the Hatchers, that will decide on the parameters by which the DAO will be created - Your Economy, Your Choice!

  • [TECommons/coordination] – #418 – #419
  • Hatcher Outreach FAQ (Updated)
  • What are the implications of becoming a Hatcher?

    By becoming a Hatcher you will play a significant role in shaping the economy of the Token Engineering Commons. In order to launch the commons, Hatchers will need to make key decisions regarding the parameters of the Hatch DAO and how the Commons Upgrade will occur. Hatchers will provide funding for the initialization of the Augmented Bonding Curve and will have significant influence on the direction of the TEC once the Hatch process is over.

  • What is required for me to participate in the Hatch process?

    The only requirements for you to participate in the Hatch process is to join the Trusted Seed and have a CSTK Score. In order to join the Trusted Seed, you must apply and once accepted you can become a legal member via the Swiss Membership DApp. Even if you already have CSTK tokens, you may not we encourage you to join the Trusted Seed to obtain a CSTK Score. Only legal members of the Swiss association have a CSTK Score and can participate in the TEC Hatch.

  • Hatcher FAQ - On GitBook
  • Trusted Seed Membership
    • Why do I need to become a member of the Trusted Seed to participate in the Hatch?

      The Token Engineering community has voted to have Commons Stack Trusted Seed members to become the Hatchers for the Token Engineering Commons. The reason for this is that it ensures all participants who are contributing to the Hatch are aligned with the mission and values of the TE community and who seek to create public value rather than individual profit.

    • How much are the annual membership dues, and what if I can’t afford to pay it?

      The annual membership dues are 450 DAI (minimum), and scholarships are available to anyone in the TEC community that asks for one. Whether scholarships will be available in future years has not yet been decided though it will not be required to maintain membership in the Trusted Seed or to participate in the TEC. It is only required to participate in its initialization.

  • TEC Visual Brainstorming Miro
  • TEC Visual: Beautiful Stock and Flow Diagram of the DAO #64

Garden Swarm WG

...taking care of the software implementation, making sure that the tech will be ready and sturdy for the launch through a series of tests @sem

  • Technical Specification Working Group Manifesto
    • To launch a test Gardens to allow the community to play with and better inform the final specification.
    • To have a complete technical specification similar to this that defines the details around how the Gardens Template was deployed for all test deployments.
    • Work with the tech team to deploy the TE Commons according to the feedback from the TEC Community from the TEC Tests. This
    • To take the Specification and turn it into a technical playbook and reference manual for TE Commons Token Holders to easily understand how everything works.
    • Work with other working groups to facilitate useful information sharing and avoid redundancy
    • Make all the technical decisions required to get a healthy TE Commons off the ground!

Comms WG

...taking care of the narrative we present to the world, setting up our communication platforms and now that they are mostly set, we are focusing on promoting TE projects. @jessicazartler

  • TEC Communications Working Group Manifesto
    1. Create and maintain a TEC narrative that may evolve over time, but will remain consistent across all media channels.
    2. Lay the foundation / processes / infrastructure for a robust communications strategy that informs, motivates and acknowledges the work being done by the community and ecosystem, and aligns/focuses everyone on the values, mission and purpose-driven orientation of our token economy including:
    • Cultivate content to link TE Public Goods with the community like memes shared async or even meme partys!
    • Creating onboarding materials (content/video) and TL;DRs to make sure anyone who is interested in TEC has a starting point.
    • Build and support the TEC platforms i.e. website, the forum and social media channels
    1. Execute on what we determine to be the key, low hanging deliverables for internal/external comms in small sprints, with everyone feeling clear and empowered to opt-in to the tasks that suit their skills and schedule.
    2. Build templates and educational libraries documenting projects/tech/culture and how this knowledge can be iterated on and how it fits into the bigger picture in the world.
    3. Everyone in the Comms Working Group feeling seen and heard, valued/rewarded, acknowledged, empowered, supported and comfortable.

Soft gov WG

...researching best practices for governance and social collaboration. Organizing ourselves is probably one of the biggest challenges of humanity and it touches so deeply in our economical perspectives as well. Ostrom won a Noble prize for guiding us into Governing the Commons, and I believe it’s so important for us to dive deeper into her work, hence the book club as an initiative of the soft gov working group. @liviade

  • Soft Governance and Culture Working Group Manifesto

    What goals would you like to achieve with this working group?
    The goal is to apply Ostrom’s Principles to the TEC based on the data collected by the first iteration of this working group. How will this working group benefit the TEC community according to its near term mission?
    It will prepare the transition from the Cultural Build to the launched Commons by identifying what practices need to be maintained and tested for at least 2 months after the Hatch.

Legal WG

...researching other communities legal structures, looking into worst case scenarios and making sure we are prepared, know what to do when they happen and don’t get sued @santigs (@santigs67)

  • Legal Working Group Manifesto

    To design and execute a coherent legal strategy for the TE Commons Hatch, Bonding curve mints and burns, proposal distribution RAPIDLY
    To research other legal strategies or pertinent smart contracts that similar projects are doing
    Mapping/identifying the common must-have docs for TE activities (TEbook, TEacademy) prior to the launch to ensure consistency/coherency

Gravity WG - Conflict Management

Conflict management (Gravity) 1 is going to help us to be in harmony! We are humans and chaos is our nature so it’s great to have a support system always in place. @Juankbell

  • Gravity - Role Design

    We are proposing a mutual-monitoring system, where each one of us can inform any issue (through the Gravity Typeform) to a designated group of members in the community, that will assume the following responsibilities:

    a) As individuals, to promote dialogue within the organization and manage conflicts addressed through ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution),
    b) As a collective, to take decisions on the implementation of graduated sanctions.
    c) As both a collective and individuals, to commit to the practice of preventing, contextualizing and resolving disputes by regular attendance in our community practice.

  • TECommons/Gravity
  • Gravity WG Call Notes

TEC Ecosystem

Token Engineering Community

WebsiteTwitterTEGG – TEGG TwitterYouTube – DiscordTelegramGitHub – BlogCalendar

Token Engineering Commons is focused on the cultural development of Token Engineering.

  • Welcome to the Token Engineering community!

    So what is "token engineering?"
    Token engineering is a crossdisciplinary field that draws from established practices in systems, electrical, robotics & controls engineering, and more. It also draws from fields as diverse as Behavioural & Ecological Economics, Operations Research, AI & Optimization, as explored by Shermin Voshmgir & Michael Zargham in this paper on the Foundations of Cryptoeconomic Systems. It is a methodology that goes all the way from ideation to design, modeling, simulation, testing, deployment, and maintentance. It's the process of building cryptoeconomic systems that work, and keep working. Just like other public infrastructure like bridges and power grids, our future economic systems also need to be rigorously designed to be reliable under widely varying conditions. The goal of token engineering is to design and create tokeneconomic systems that are robust against exploits, unintended consequences and cascade failures, in order to protect and empower users.

  • TokenEngineering Academy

    The TokenEngineering Academy (TE Academy) offers lectures, workshops, and seminars for anyone interested in this new, emerging field. We invite individuals and teams to learn, collaborate, and put token engineering into practice. Please get in touch if you'd like to bring your team to TE Academy: contact@tokenengineering.net.

  • Introduction to TokenEngineering (Reading List++)
  • Welcome to the Token Engineering library! - This is a growing list of resources and applications of token engineering technology, that you can learn from & contribute to!
  • Token Engineering 101
  • TE Book

    "A Hitchhiker's Guide to Token Engineering“ is a crowdsourced and crowdfunded book and online content repo for token designers, entrepreneurs and applied researchers to get the hang of Token Engineering. The book aims at giving the full account of experience with an end-to-end tool chain: from co-designing the digital ecosystem through games, to mapping the territory, to not mistaking the map for the territory. It's full of cautious tales, as well as the soothing layout of a tool chain that will assist you in designing, modeling, simulating, securely deploying, governing, and upgrading a token economy - building on the multidisciplinary foundations of cryptoeconomics. This is going to be a hell of a ride. So, grab your towel.

  • Trans-disciplinary Navigation: Deep Thoughts by the Token Engineering Community

    Towards Robust and Resilient Economies and Communities is a collaborative piece by @JessicaZartler and a few other thought provokers and builders in the Token Engineering Community. If you are looking for a concise distillation of why token engineering & why a commons & why the two fit together so elegantly, this resource loaded quick-dive is for you.

    From regenerative stewardship & Gravitons to cyber-physical commons & resilient tokenized infrastructure, find out more about how the TEC is weaving Ostrom’s principles into the DAO framework, employing subject matter experts to explore boundaries, conflict management and other processes to keep our Commons healthy for the long haul👇

TE Ecosystem

  • BlockScience – Complex systems engineering

    Our focus is to design and build data-driven decision systems for new and legacy businesses leveraging engineering methodologies and academic-grade tools.

  • cadCAD – Complex systems modeling toolkit

    An open-source Python package that assists in the processes of designing, testing and validating complex systems through simulation.

  • cadCAD Edu – cadCAD Online Education

    Our mission is to grow the adoption of cadCAD as the leading open-source Web 3 modeling tool by creating beginner-friendly online courses.

  • Commons Stack – Realigning incentives around public goods

    A design and engineering group creating systems that incentivize the creation and maintenance of public goods.

  • TEGG Token Engineering Global Gathering

    TEGG is the global gathering of cryptoeconomic researchers and practitioners. Our aim is to establish a body of theory, practice, tools and a sense of responsibility for building successful and sustainable blockchain token economies.

  • Ocean Protocol – A New Data Economy

    Ocean Protocol is kickstarting a Data Economy by breaking down data silos and equalizing access to data for all.

  • ZIP One credit you use across all blockchains, with no price volatility.

    Zip works across blockchain networks, so you can build on Ethereum today, and Fetch.AI tomorrow, or both at the same time. One credit, all blockchains.

  • WU Vienna A research institute for crypto-economics

    Tokens can develop into the “killer applications” of blockchain, but these applications are still at an early stage. We are developing a taxonomy for tokens - from a business, technological and legal point of view. as well as modeling, forecasting and evaluation tools.

  • SourceCred A tool for communities to measure and reward value creation

    SourceCred allows communities to create and curate contribution networks. These networks represent how contributions are connected to other contributions, to members of the community, and to the community’s values.

  • AraCred Recognize and reward community contributions

    A framework to help communities measure, recognize, and reward value creation. AraCred intends to empower communities to collaborate in a way that is positive-sum.

  • MetaGame – A MMORPG for real life

    MetaGame is an open-source framework for autonomous humans and decentralized organizations, to coordinate in creation and exchange of value with the least friction and most fun possible.

  • Giveth – Building the Future of Giving

    We are a community focused on making the world a better place through the use of blockchain technology.We created the Giveth Galaxy to foster a larger network of organizations that will help us Build the Future of Giving we envision.

  • Grassroots Economics – Creating sustainable community currencies

    Through community currencies people have a way to exchange goods and services and incubate new businesses.

  • 1Hive – Exploring novel ways to create, organize, and grow communities

    1Hive is a community of builders driven by a desire to improve how humans collaborate online. We are explorers and pioneers blazing a trail towards a future of work which is more global, open, transparent, and fair.

  • Curve Labs – Architecting distributed solutions for the future economy

    Curve Labs is a team of design interventionists who research and implement tokeneconomic building blocks to create proofs of concept.

  • Freeelio – Everyone will have access to < free > electricity

    A multi-dimensional & multi-disciplinary research collective of autonomous peers, forming a novel type of organization connected through purpose and the internet

Commons Stack

Website - TwitterMediumTelegramRiot ChatGitHubFAQ

  • Commons Stack - About

    We want to create a world where public goods are valued fairly for the benefits they deliver. Our current economic system frequently exploits the environment, and undervalues open-source software, open research, and other altruistic efforts addressing the collective needs of our society. We aim to change this.

  • The Commons Stack: Scaling the Commons to Re-Prioritize People and the Planet - Kris Decoodt

    It’s first good to establish: why are the commons important? We have some really big issues on the horizon that we can only solve together: climate change, resource depletion, open source incentivization — these are all public goods that are prone to the free-rider problem. This problem applies just as much to the extraction of environmental resources as well as the funding of writing open code. It’s a coordination problem that underlies some of the biggest problems we face. Ostrom and others have suggested that we need larger-scale coordination mechanisms for making rules to determine how we use and allocate existing resources. We have some of these coordination tools already, but our current approaches are flawed. Our current global coordination mechanisms — both markets and states — are dealing with quite some challenges. We have one-dimensional economies that optimize for profit and exclude people and the environment from their calculations.

  • The Trusted Seed of the Commons Stack

    To get involved, all you need to do is apply to join the Trusted Seed. 🌱 In the near term, you can earn reputation in the Trusted Seed by contributing time or funds to the build of the Commons Stack. 🌿 In the medium term, you will be able to participate in decision making in the Commons Stack, and be invited to join in the community launch of various Commons efforts! 🌳

  • Commons Stack – Apply

    This is an application to become a member of our Trusted Seed. Applicants will be accepted based on their alignment with the mission of Commons Stack. Expertise in token engineering, decentralized governance, or commons R&D are especially welcomed and will increase the maximum CSTK Score applicants will be able to obtain.

  • CSTK: The “Trust Score” of Commons Stack - Skin in the Game to Realign Incentives for Public Goods
    • People with a CSTK Score are members of our Trusted Seed, and the Score can be thought of as reputation within the organization, estimating how much skin they’ve put in the game.
    • A CSTK Score will enable people to participate in future Commons Hatches, bringing their experience and expertise to help guide these Commons towards success.
    • CSTK holders will also participate in certain Commons Stack governance decisions such as voting to select which communities will participate in our Field Test Commons programs.
    • CSTK holders are selected carefully (put another way, the Trusted Seed is a highly curated list.) Once you’ve applied and been accepted, you can begin building your CSTK Score on your contributions to Commons Stack.
  • Giveth – Commons Stack

    The Commons Stack is an open source development project, building tools to provide sustainable funding and management infrastructure for community-driven economies. It will address the difficulties faced by shared community initiatives that currently rely on insufficient donations, grants, and pro-bono contributions, and allow them to bootstrap themselves using bleeding edge blockchain technology without forgoing their current funding streams.

  • Giveth – Commons Stack Community - Iteration 0

    The Commons Stack Community is hoping to raise funds to cover the costs of setting up the Commons Stack Swiss Association, work with our first user, the TE Commons, and focus on solidifying the Cultural Build for Commons.
    Our tech stack will address the following layers:

    • Complex Systems Design Tooling - cadCAD
    • Technical advisory layer - Trusted Seed
    • Social layer - Cultural Build
    • Sustainable funding layer - Augmented Bonding Curve
    • Decentralized governance layer - Conviction Voting
    • Accountability layer - Giveth Proposal Engine
    • Monitoring layer - Commons Dashboard
  • Gitcoin – The Commons Stack: Iteration 0

    Our primary goal is to enable sustainable funding for any nonprofit cause. In the near term, we will focus on enabling economies that can create sustainable funding for the development of open-source infrastructure and open research projects within the blockchain space. To achieve this we will provide a toolkit for communities to create novel, cause-focused economies that we call Commons.

    To build a successful Commons, or any other socio-economic system, a community must consider both the technical and cultural requirements. The Commons Stack mission is to make it easy for cause-focused communities to meet and excel at these requirements so that they can launch a healthy Commons.

  • The Commons Stack. Realigning Incentives Towards Public Goods. Case Study Felix Fritsch

    This is a preliminary Case Study of the Commons Stack, a philathropic framework developed for Blockchain communities that makes use of bonding curves and introduces conviction voting.

    • DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.12931.73767
  • Building the TE Commons Griff Green

Commons Stack Blog Posts

  • Automating Ostrom for Effective DAO Management

    Designing Cyber-Physical Commons to be ‘Ostrom Compliant’ This article is part of a series explaining the cyber-physical commons architecture that is being built out by the Commons Stack. Few people have contributed as much to our knowledge of the sustainable management of the commons as Elinor Ostrom. Winning the 2009 Nobel Prize in Economics for her work, Ostrom’s 8 principles for commons

  • Conviction Voting

    From ad-hoc voting to continuous voting This story was originally published on Giveth on May 29, 2019. You can find it here. “There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things.” -Phil Karlton Abstract Conviction Voting is a coordination module that allows communities governing a shared resource to choose priorities in a decentralized way. This

  • Architecting the Cyber-Physical Commons

    An Evolution From DAOs to Commons Ecosystems This article is part of a series on cyber-physical commons. If you would like more background on the importance of the commons and the definition of cyber-physical systems, check out our first article here. Continue reading if you are interested in how these technologically augmented community structures challenge and augment traditional for- & non

  • Exploring DAOs as a new kind of institution

    Exploring DAOs as a New Kind of Institution A Dialogue Between the Metagovernance Project and the Commons Stack DAOs, or decentralized autonomous organizations, are technical tools written in code and run on blockchains, but they are also a new kind of social institution. Early explorations of DAOs focused more on their technical development and less on their social implications, leading to

  • Celebrating Progress: One Year into the Commons Stack Journey

    Staging the Commons Stack Project with Iteration 0 Together with all of you we recently woke up in a brave new world, where we more than ever witness that a systemic and mindset change is needed to tackle complex issues. We have been tremendously inspired by our community that did not stop building for even a heartbeat. More than ever we believe in the importance of regenerative systems that empo

  • CSTK: The Token of the Commons Stack Trusted Seed

    CSTK: The “Trust Score” of Commons Stack Skin in the Game to Realign Incentives for Public Goods Image: Daniel Öberg [Article updated in March 2021.] The CSTK Score (pronounced “C-Stack”) is represented by the CSTK Score Token on xDai, but it is not a run-of-the-mill token.¹ It’s a non-transferrable “trust token” similar to a reputation token but not exactly the same, as we e

  • CSTK Token Holders Can Now Use Conviction Voting on xDai

    Commons Stack Conviction Voting Results: Top 15 Projects to Receive Massive Matching Community Vote Helps Allocate ~$120,000 Worth of $PAN to Gitcoin Grants The Commons Stack launched a new pilot of Conviction Voting to decide how we match grant funding through the Panvala League & Gitcoin Grants program. This was made possible because of the hard work of the Panvala, 1Hive, BlockS

  • Announcing the Conviction Voting cadCAD Model Release

    Understanding Real-Time ‘Vote Streaming’ This article is announcing the release of the Conviction Voting cadCAD model, a digital twin of the Conviction Voting ecosystem currently deployed at 1Hive.org. The content below is pulled primarily from the readme file of the model notebook. This initial model was a collaboration between Aragon, 1Hive, BlockScience and the Commons Stack, and if you’d like

  • Commons Stack Community Fund Round 2

    Voting Now Open: Commons Stack Community Fund Round 2 Rank the Top 15 Gitcoin Grants with Conviction Voting to Allocate $PAN Matching The Commons Stack has launched another Conviction Voting instance to determine which projects will receive grant funding through the Panvala League & Gitcoin Grants matching program. This was made possible because of the hard work of the Panvala, 1Hi

  • The Commons Simulator Game is LIVE!

    See if You Can Save the Future with cadCAD, RadicalxChange & the Commons Stack TL;DR: Why did we do this? The Simulator serves several purposes: To introduce the audience to the importance of the commons and the inspiring RadicalxChange movement in bringing about more equitable futures. To demonstrate how to parameterize and model a Cyber-Physical Commons in an entertaining and


GitHub – BlogTwitter – RedditYoutube – Wiki – FAQ

Giveth - The Future of Giving – Projects

  • About

    Our mission is to connect people, ideas, and resources to facilitate and incentivize social impact. We are not content with the current non-profit industry, and we are committed to developing a better, decentralized alternative. Solidarity not charity.

    Our Vision

    To build the future of giving, starting with a free, open-source platform connecting donors and mutual aid projects.

    As a mutual aid project, you can post details about my project, raise funding, and post project updates.

    As a donor, you can easily donate to specific projects as well as categories of causes.

  • Governance

    Giveth aims to be a breeding ground for governance experiments and make these accessible to the outside world through the use of blockchain technology. With the Giveth DAC we are experimenting and documenting anything that could be useful for future decentralized communities like ours (through concepts like Holacracy, RewardDAO, Liquid Pledging and more). At the same time, when we run into problems with our projects, we look outwards and unite people through initiatives such as scaling, signaling, block explorers and the decentralization of everything!

  • A Galaxy of Initiatives to drive Blockchain for Good

    Welcome to Giveth. We are a community focused on making the world a better place through the use of blockchain technology. Our flagship product, the Giveth Donation Application (DApp) will be an integral part of the Commons Stack project, and is striving to bring new governance models into the nonprofit space. We created the Giveth Galaxy to foster a larger network of organizations that will help us Build the Future of Giving we envision.

    Right now most of our efforts are focused on building the Commons Stack, which will allow us to realign incentives for any public good by creating microeconomies around causes you support. We are the Giveth Decentralized Altruistic Community (Giveth DAC), and we hope YOU will join us.

  • Giveth Social Coding Circle

    Welcome to the living and breathing core of Giveth, where we cultivate learning and support innovative projects, with a focus on blockchain for (social) good. We created a safe space for altruistic developers to talk about their passion projects, and help them recruit or find help and guidance from peers. We have served as an incubator for many of the projects in our Galaxy (DAppNode, BrightID, TennaGraph, our Blockternship Hackathon ...) and this is only the beginning.

    • What is Social Coding? by Quazia.

      Giveth has 4 main circles. The Communication, Governance, and DApp circle are all relatively self explanatory. The fourth circle is social_coding.

      The philosophy of social_coding is this: the best way to develop tools for building a DAC is to build a community of altruistic developers. The best way to build a community of altruistic developers is to give them a space where they can play, and try and get they to build whatever they want. Over time the tools should sort themselves out.

Commons Stack on Giveth

  • Griff Green: Giveth – Creating the New Economic Model of Givin‪g‬ - Epicenter Podcast
  • How Blockchain Economies align incentives around the Commons

    There are a lot of ways to measure the progress of the blockchain space, and by many metrics, the space is barreling forward at an incredible speed.

    But we at Giveth have noticed something: during the early days of blockchain, the focus was on creating new economies. Then, at some point, the emphasis shifted to creating new money. With the end of the ICO boom, we saw an ebb in the number of new cryptocurrencies being launched, but the space’s attention never fully swung back to the task of building self-sustaining economies. If anything, we’ve settled on something in between the two — trying to build autonomous organizations — in place of our original ambition. As our co-founder Griff Green has said, “it’s like the blockchain revolution just stopped.” What will it take to reboot this revolution, and to extend it from the digital realm into the real world?

  • Meet the Humans Behind the Commons Stack!

    The Commons Stack core team is made up of token engineers and decentralized governance specialists who believe we can use software to help us establish quasi-circular economies that support important causes.

    But we can’t — and won’t — do this complex and groundbreaking work alone. A select group of extremely qualified advisors has graciously agreed to support us through the multiple iterations of this development process. We expect that their guidance and their extensive collective wisdom will be indispensable as we work to design the very best commons management tools that we possibly can.

  • Giveth – Commons Stack Campaign

    The Commons Stack is an open source development project, building tools to provide sustainable funding and management infrastructure for community-driven economies. It will address the difficulties faced by shared community initiatives that currently rely on insufficient donations, grants, and pro-bono contributions, and allow them to bootstrap themselves using bleeding edge blockchain technology without forgoing their current funding streams.

  • Giveth – Commons Stack Community - Iteration 0

    The Commons Stack Community is hoping to raise funds to cover the costs of setting up the Commons Stack Swiss Association, work with our first user, the TE Commons, and focus on solidifying the Cultural Build for Commons.
    Our tech stack will address the following layers:

    • Complex Systems Design Tooling - cadCAD
    • Technical advisory layer - Trusted Seed
    • Social layer - Cultural Build
    • Sustainable funding layer - Augmented Bonding Curve
    • Decentralized governance layer - Conviction Voting
    • Accountability layer - Giveth Proposal Engine
    • Monitoring layer - Commons Dashboard

Source Cred

Website – Docs – Twitter – GitHub – Forum – Discord – Explorer

SourceCred (in the most basic sense) is a technology that makes the labor of individuals more visible and rewardable as they work together in a project or community. The goal of SourceCred is to use this technology to make rewarding labor as nuanced as human contribution often is. We hope to be one piece in the puzzle of a healthier future where systems serve community members, where financial maximization isn’t the end-all be-all goal, and where wealth actually flows to those who are creating the value in our world. - sourcecred.io/docs

Block Science


BlockScience ® is an engineering, R&D, and analytics firm specializing in complex systems. Our focus is to design and build data-driven decision systems for new and legacy businesses leveraging engineering methodologies and academic-grade tools.

With deep expertise in Operations Research, AI/Data Science, and Blockchain, we are able to provide quantitative consulting to technology enabled businesses. Our work includes pre-launch design and evaluation of economic business and ecosystem models based on simulation and analysis. We also provide post launch monitoring and maintenance via reporting, analytics, and decision support software. - block.science


WebsiteTwitterTelegram – GitHubForum

An open-source Python package that assists in the processes of designing, testing and validating complex systems through simulation.

cadCAD was created as an internal tool at BlockScience – an engineering, R&D and analytics firm specializing in complex systems design and validation



1Hive is a community that builds and experiments with decentralized applications and protocols. At the center of these experiments is an effort to build a sustainable and thriving economy around a currency called Honey, which is used to influence the direction of the community. Anyone can buy honey or earn it by contributing to 1Hive and can use it, among other things, to vote on funding proposals and protocol changes with a weight that is equal to the Honey they hold.

1Hive isn’t a company, there is no core team, and there has never been a crowd sale to raise funds to operate. Instead 1Hive has been issuing and distributing Honey to contributors for over a year. - wiki