
A place where you can post any physical work that needs to be done around your community. (potholes, downed wires, etc.)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Community Concerns Backend Node / Express / Knex

ENDPOINTS Login/Register endpoints

API hosted at: https://community-concerns.herokuapp.com/

User Endpoints

Method Endpoint Description Requirements
POST /api/auth/register Allows users to register an account email, username, zipcode, password
POST /api/auth/login Logs in user and sends JSON token email, password
DELETE /api/auth/:id Delete a users account url includes the users id


Tickets CRUD

API hosted at: https://community-concerns.herokuapp.com/

Ticket Endpoints

Method Endpoint Description Requirements
GET /api/tickets Get all tickets in database Valid JSON Token in header of request
GET /api/tickets/my_tickets Get the tickets of logged in user Valid JSON Token in header of request
POST /api/tickets Add a new ticket title, description, zipcode in body, (image can also be included in body but not required) Valid JSON Token in header of request
PUT /api/tickets/:id Update a ticket any changes in body, ticket ID in request url, Valid JSON Token in header of request
DELETE /api/tickets/:id Delete an ticket id of ticket to be deleted in URL, Valid JSOn token in header of request

Comments CRUD

API hosted at: https://community-concerns.herokuapp.com/

Comments Endpoints

Method Endpoint Description Requirements
GET /api/comments/:id Get all comments of a ticket id of ticket you want to get comments for in request url, Valid JSON Token in header of request
POST /api/comments/:id Add a new comment to a ticket comment in body, id of ticket you are creating the comment for in request url, Valid JSON Token in header of request
PUT /api/comments/:id Edit a specific comment changes(comment) in body, id of comment to be changes in request url, Valid JSON Token in header of request
DELETE /api/comments/:id Delete specific comment id of comment to be deleted in request url

Upvotes CRUD

API hosted at: https://community-concerns.herokuapp.com/

Upvotes Endpoints

Method Endpoint Description Requirements
GET /api/upvotes Get all upvotes in database Valid JSON Token in header of request
GET /api/upvotes/my_upvotes Get all upvotes for a specific user Valid JSON Token in header of request
POST /api/upvotes Create an upvote ticket_id in body, Valid JSON Token in header of request
DELETE /api/upvotes/:id Delete an upvote id of upvote in request url, Valid JSON Token in header of request