.NET Community Toolkit is a collection of helpers and APIs that work for all .NET developers and are agnostic of any specific UI platform. The toolkit is maintained and published by Microsoft, and part of the .NET Foundation.
Pinned issues
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MVVM Toolkit analyzer improvements planning
#1018 opened by Sergio0694 - 5
[RelayCommand] implementation leaks subscribers
#1017 opened by albyrock87 - 0
ObservableProperty source generator does not output new keyword for partial auto-properties
#1013 opened by rabuckley - 2
VS Community 2022, Version 17.12.2, .net Version 4.8.09032 - MVVM, "This Generator is not generating Files"
#1014 opened by colgansoftware - 0
ObservableValidator 'HasErrors' should be ignored from JSON serialization
#1012 opened by FelixCCWork - 0
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missing git tags
#989 opened by Mrxx99 - 1
MVVMTK0042 code fix does not work for fields with additional attributes (e.g. NotifyPropertyChangedFor)
#1007 opened by bretthysuik - 1
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SetProperty doesn't raise PropertyChanged or ErrorsChanged when validation is OK
#965 opened by W4lm4s - 1
Multiple concurrent calls are possible even when the flag to allow concurrent calls is set to false
#977 opened by al3xmeister - 1
[Common] Base Color Abstractions
#1004 opened by hawkerm - 1
Allow `ObservableObject` to implement interface that derives from `INotifyPropertyChanged`
#990 opened by karmeye - 0
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verision 8.3..2 uses code generator 8.3.0
#978 opened by AmeerMansourGWsp - 1
MVVMTK0042's code fix provider replaces required fields with non-required properties
#971 opened by nalka0 - 4
CS9257: "Both partial property declarations must be required or neither may be required" on a required partial property with [ObservableProperty]
#969 opened by nalka0 - 32
Exception on startup with version 8.3.0
#923 opened by LeDahu22 - 2
WASDK projects crashes when updating to MVVM 8.3
#925 opened by Poker-sang - 0
Add fully qualified name to cref ObservableObject in xml comments for files generated by ObservableObjectGenerator
#963 opened by RobGess - 12
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Automatically update CanExecute status when CanExecute is bound to an property
#959 opened by Earlh21 - 1
Span2D Constructor overload
#929 opened by sjMagstim - 9
Source Generator for [ObservableProperty] doesn't work anymore since upgrading to visual studio 17.11.2.
#940 opened by JorisZwaenepoel - 1
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Provide IsNotBusy() method or IsNotBusy readonly property with a new attribute [DependsOnProperty(nameof(IsBusy))]
#938 opened by suugbut - 19
This version of the MVVM Toolkit requires 'Microsoft.Windows.SDK.NET.Ref' version '10.0.19041.38' or later. | [ver. 8.3.1]
#951 opened by Auto72 - 1
[ObservableProperty] with `OnPropertyChanged` partial(s) which update additional properties mask nullability analysis - CS8618
#939 opened by hawkerm - 2
Build-Time Validation Targets Unavailable Windows SDK Versions for .NET MAUI
#954 opened by danielslinder - 1
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Unclear errors on field with ObservableProperty
#947 opened by elad770 - 3
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[iOS] Application crashes on load after updating to the latest version of CommunityToolkit.Mvvm
#932 opened by npostma - 0
Nested validation?
#937 opened by plettb - 1
Version 8.3.0 crash on windows .net maui app
#936 opened by Mbprogramming - 3
Mvvm 8.3.0: Wrong windows runtime?
#928 opened by marco-skizza - 1
Using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm in WinUI .NET8 App warns different WinRT versions
#934 opened by afluegge - 2
WinRT.Runtime not found Error?
#933 opened by depute - 2
Mismatch versions
#931 opened by eduardoagr - 2
Using the latest version of CommunityToolkit.Mvvm in a WinUI project targeting .NET 8 generates a slew of warnings
#930 opened by egvijayanand - 4
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conditionally compiledGuard API
#922 opened by AlgorithmsAreCool - 2
Option to enable `required` on a property generated by `ObservableProperty`
#913 opened by JochemPalmsens - 0
[Question] How to differentiate changes to an ObservableProperty that come from code vs User Input
#920 opened by mkulisic - 0
Direct Linq support for Memory and Span
#914 opened by sirinath - 0
Updating properties and enabling commands that depend on observable model properties
#906 opened by djordje200179