Professional Pvresan-Bot Based On NEW Api
| Use help | |:--------|:------------| | [/]help | just send help in your group and get the BoT commands |
**You can use "/" (help) to begin all commands
# Let's install the self-bot.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install lua5.1 luarocks lua-socket lua-sec redis-server curl
sudo luarocks install oauth
sudo luarocks install redis-lua
sudo luarocks install lua-cjson
sudo luarocks install ansicolors
sudo luarocks install serpent
git clone
cd pvresan # Add your bot to file token/Information config.lua
screen lua bot.lua
To install everything in one command, use:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install lua5.1 luarocks lua-socket lua-sec redis-server curl && sudo luarocks install oauth && sudo luarocks install redis-lua && sudo luarocks install lua-cjson && sudo luarocks install ansicolors && sudo luarocks install serpent && git clone && cd pvresan && screen lua bot.lua
Open config.lua and add your your token/sudo id/sudo us/gp us/ to the "config" section in the following format:
bot_token = "350068970:AAGmCVq2x7fi6dBszVOu6Y_04azXQGtNds"
send_api = ""..bot_token
bot_version = "6.0"
sudo_name = "Engineer vahid"
sudo_id = 232504827
admingp = -1001110269158
sudo_num = "989******"
sudo_user = "comodo21"
sudo_ch = "BugSecurity"
add your ID at line 4 and 131 in bot.lua Then restart or reload.
More information GP Development