Collection of Trolling Payloads for Windows.
Available Payloads are:
- Mouseshake
- ErrorCursor
- InvertScreen
- (Careful) EPILEPSY
- GlitchScreen
- ScreenTunnel
- TextSpam
- MSGBoxSpam
- SoundSpam
- KillWin
- Earthquake
- Melt
- TrapMouse
- MessageBoxMouseFollow
usage: main.exe [payload] [loops | inf for infinite] [delay] {text}
mouse - mouse glitching around
glitch - screen glitches
tunnel - screen tunnel effect
invert - invert screen colors
errorcursor - draw error on cursor
text - draw text on random position
epilepsy - screen flashing
trapmouse - cant move mouse anymore regardless of loops
soundspam - spams windows sounds
melt - screen melt effect
earthquake - screen shaking
msgbox - spams messageboxes in random positions
killWindowsNow - very bad
msgboxmousefollow - msgboxes follow the mouse