
Boolean Expression Truth Table Builder

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Truth Table

Boolean Expression Truth Table Builder


The provided makefile should handle all of the compiling and linking of objects. However, you need to install the Flex Lexer and the Bison Parser, as the app uses Flex and Bison to generate the parser. For Debian Linux distros, this is as simple as:

sudo apt-get install flex
sudo apt-get install bison


TruthTable <Expression1> <Expression2> ...

  • Expression - The boolean expression to build a truth table for. Each instance of <Expression> will get its own truth table.


An expression is a series of identifiers or literals connected by operators and parenthesis. For example:

[(a&b) -> (b|~c)] <-> (b!=T)

Identifiers all start with a letter, followed by 0 or more alphanumeric characters. Literals are either T or F (or any of the variations listed below). Unary operators go before an identifier, and binary operators go between an identifier (infix notation).

If you wish to include multiple expressions in a single truth table, each expression should separated by a comma. For example:

(a&b), a->(a&b), [~a<->c]

Note: Although truth tables normally don't list the same expression twice, using this comma notation overrides this rule for the outermost expression. So, it might include a -> (a&b) twice, but not (a&b) twice.

Literal Values

Value Symbols
True True, T, or 1
False False, F, or 1

Note:True and False can be in any case, so TrUe, TRue, and TRUE are all valid.

All Supported Operators

Operation Symbol Type
Not ~ or ! Unary
Or + or | Binary
And & Binary
Exclusive Or ^ Binary
Implies -> Binary
Not Implies ~> or - Binary
If and Only If <-> Binary
Equals = Binary
Not Equals != Binary

More operators may be added in the future