Wordle with Score Database

This is an enhanced clone project (forked from here) of the popular word guessing game we all know and love. Made using React, Typescript, Tailwind, Node.js, Express, and Mongoose.

Try out the website!

YouTube video explaining my 15 variants (100k+ views!)

YouTube video compacting the above video to 90 seconds (no commentary)

Steps to create a Wordle variant using this template

  1. GitHub: Create an empty repository for the new game
  2. Terminal: Clone this repository as an independent copy: see below
  3. Terminal: Run npm install --legacy-peer-deps
  4. MongoDB Atlas: Create a new project and cluster under that project: tutorial
  5. .env: Set MONGODB_URI to the cluster URI
  6. Heroku Dashboard: Click New > Create new app to create app
  7. Terminal: Follow Deploy instructions in Heroku App Dashboard to connect IDE terminal to app: tutorial
  9. public/manifest.json: Update name, short_name
  10. src/services/scores.js: Update baseUrl
  11. src/lib/share.ts: Update gameUrl
  12. src/components/modals/InfoModal.tsx: Update tutorial and GitHub link in InfoModal (JSX Element)
  13. src/constants/: Update files
  14. Heroku App Dashboard: Under the settings tab, update the config vars REACT_APP_GAME_NAME, REACT_APP_GAME_DESCRIPTION, MONGODB_URI, NODE_ENV=production
  15. Terminal: Commit files (except MONGODB_URI in .env file) and run git push heroku main

Advanced variant changes (such as adding a new language or new rules) will involve changing more components.

Step 2 commands

Original tutorial

git clone https://github.com/Compsciler/Wordle-With-Score-Database.git <game name>
cd <game name>
git remote -v
git remote rename origin upstream
git remote add origin <new remote GitHub URL>
git remote -v
git push -u origin main

Generating new word lists based on existing word lists

  1. Terminal: Run cd wordlistgenerator
  2. (Optional) If using different word lists, use arraytojsonfile.js or another method to create json files of the word lists (constants/combinedwordlist.json is NYT list merged with roughly the first half of the word list currently in use)
  3. main.py: Write get_word_list() function and optionally modify other properties of the file
  4. Terminal: Run python3 main.py to get a JSON file of the new word lists
  5. src/constants/: Update src/constants/wordlist.ts and src/constants/validGuesses.ts with the arrays from the new JSON files

Validating words without valid guesses list

  1. src/constants/validGuesses.ts: Delete file
  2. src/constants/validChars.ts: Update VALID_CHARS
  3. src/components/keyboard/Keyboard.tsx: Uncomment isValidKey() function, if (isValidKey(key)) block (and delete previous block), and VALID_CHARS import
  4. src/lib/words.ts: Uncomment isWordInWordList and isValidWord functions (and delete old isWordInWordList function), isValidKey import

Syncing fork with changes to this repo

Original tutorial


  1. Run git fetch upstream
  2. If on separate branch, run git checkout main
  3. Commit changes or run git stash
  4. Run git merge upstream/main and resolve any merge conflicts
  5. If ran git stash for Step 3, run git stash pop

If you only want to merge a specific upstream commit, for Step 4 instead run git cherry-pick <commit hash> --no-commit

Creating a score database backup

After downloading and opening MongoDB Compass:

  1. Enter the URI of the MongoDB instance to connect to and click "Connect"
  2. Click the Databases tab > myFirstDatabase > scores
  3. Click the "Export Collection" icon and export the full collection and all fields to a JSON file (and enter output filename)

Backing up from the terminal (not tested): look into mongodump or mongoexport here: tutorial

MongoDB ObjectId to Timestamp Converter

Viewing basic score analytics

MongoDB Atlas:

  1. Click the Charts tab > "Explore Charts"
  2. Click the Data Sources side tab > "Add Data Source", and add the collection from your cluster
  3. Click the Dashboards side tab > "[Your Name]'s Dashboard" > "Add Chart"
  4. Click "Choose a Data Source", and add your source
  5. Customize your chart
    • Average score by word (treats loss as a score of the maximum number of guesses):
      • Chart Type: Column (Grouped)
      • X Axis: solutionIndex/solution
      • Y Axis: guesses (Array reductions: array length, Aggregate: mean)

Using a link management platform

This game previously used Rebrandly to create shareable links for each game. The source and destination URLs can be edited in case a game server becomes overloaded and a new game server URL is used. The Rebrandly link dashboard also displays link analytics. Note that support for custom domains and URL parameters requires additional fees.

Build and run

To run locally:

Clone the repository and perform the following command line actions:

Initial steps

cd Wordle-With-Score-Database
npm install

Running and testing

npm start

In a new terminal:

node ./src/server/index.js

To build/run docker container:


docker build -t reactle:dev -f docker/Dockerfile .
docker run -d -p 3000:3000 --name reactle-dev reactle:dev

Open http://localhost:3000 in browser.


docker build --target=prod -t reactle:prod -f docker/Dockerfile .
docker run -d -p 80:8080  --name reactle-prod reactle:prod

Open http://localhost in browser. See the entry in the FAQ below about requirements for sharing of results.

My Wordle spinoff games

Bigramle: Words made of 2-letter bigrams

Bigramle+: Words made of 2-letter bigrams (but harder)

Caesardle: Caesar shifted words

Codle: Special-character heavy code

Is That Even a Word? le: Words not in the NYT solution list

Metalloidle: Words made using nonmetal and metalloid elemental symbols

Notwordle: Wordle with 5 very different hints

Numerle: 5-digit numbers, with a binary search aspect

Phone Numble: Phone numbers

Repeatle: Words with duplicate letters

Subredditle: Subreddits

Usernamle: Usernames

Verticle: Vertical guessing mechanics

Worwordle: Fused words (e.g.: FRESH + SHEEP = FRESHEEP)

Worwordle+: Fused words (e.g.: SIREN + RENEW = SIRENEW)


How can I change the length of a guess?

The default configuration is for solutions and guesses of length five, but it is flexible enough to handle other lengths, even variable lengths each day.

To configure for a different constant length:

To configure for variable lengths:

Note that guesses are validated against both the length of the solution, and presence in VALID_GUESSES.

How can I create a version in another language?

How can I add usage tracking?

This repository includes support for Google Analytics or Plausible Analytics, but, by default, this is disabled.

To enable Google Analytics:

  • Create a Google Analytics 4 property and obtain the measurement ID (of the format G-XXXXXXXXXX)

Keep in mind that your region might have legislation about obtaining a user's consent before enabling trackers. This is up to downstream repos to implement.

To enable Plausible Analytics:

  • Create a new website with Plausible Analytics with a given domain, e.g. example.app
  • In .env, add REACT_APP_PLAUSIBLE_DOMAIN=example.app

Why does sharing of results not work?

For mobile and wearable devices and smart TVs, sharing of results is initially attempted using the Web Share API. For other devices or when sharing to the Web Share API fails, the results are written to the clipboard. Both these methods will succeed only in a secure context, which require you to implement the HTTPS protocol when hosting this repo on a public domain.