
Guidelines, principles published on https://infosec.mozilla.org

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0


Guidelines, principles published on https://infosec.mozilla.org

How to contribute

Propose your changes directly

  • Either using the GitHub integrated editor or your own, make your changes in Markdown.
  • Request merging by creating a pull-request.
  • That's it - thanks for helping making our content better!

Open issues or discussion topics

Just create new issues as you see fit, really.

Converting Mediawiki to Markdown

  • Install Pandoc.
  • pandoc -f mediawiki -t gfm --atx yourfile.mediawiki
  • Fix it up (tip: use existing documents and copy their formatting!)
  • Profit.

How to locally test

Ensure Ruby, Gem and Bundle are installed.

  • Checkout a copy of this repository (feel free to fork it first, specially if you're going to propose changes).
  • Go into the docs sub-directory.
  • Run bundle install to ensure all dependencies are installed.
  • Run bundle exec jekyll serve to locally serve contents for testing.


This repository is automatically deployed via GitHub's built in support for Jekyll in GitHub Pages whenever new content is committed to the /docs directory in the master branch. AWS CloudFront, which sits in front of the GitHub pages site, will then automatically pick up new content when the cache expires (on the order of 10 to 15 minutes) and it will be visible on the live site.

Site setup

  • The theme is Frontierline and is based on jekyll-theme-slate for the purpose of Jekyll integration.
  • The site is rendered by Jekyll.
  • The font (ZillaLab) and logos are from the Mozilla Design Language.
  • https://infosec.mozilla.org is fronted by AWS CloudFront and utilizes a Lambda@Edge function, that are described in the aws directory of this repository.


All content is licensed under the Mozilla Public License (MPL) unless indicated otherwise.