
hw2-handling-input-events-orangeorangehuang created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguageJavaScript


  • 學號:R11922101
  • 系級:資工碩一
  • 姓名:黃嘉宏

1. Requirements

1.1 General Requirements

  • My code for HW2 is put under the subfolder create_your_own, and is linked from the CREATE YOUR OWN link on the website from HW1.
  • My code works no matter how many divs there are.

1.2 Basic Requirements

1.2.1 Mouse Event

  • mouse-click on a div
  • mouse-click on workarea, not on any objects
  • mouse down on a div and move (dragging mode)
    • div start moving, following the mouse, until mouse-up.
    • This way of moving should not change the selected div.
  • mouse double-click (following mode)
    • Starts a mode in which this div follows the mouse.
    • The div should stop following the mouse on the next mouse up event.
    • While in this mode, all other mouse behaviors on the divs should be suspended.
  • ESC keydown
    • The moving or growing should be aborted.
    • The div should go back to the way it was before the operation starts.

1.2.2 Touch Event

  • one-finger tap and double-tap
    • Do the same thing as mouse-click, dragging and mouse-double-click.
    • Double tap (following-the-finger mode): When you do touchstart, the div follows the finger even if the touch is not on the object, until touchend.
    • Touchend does not stop the mode, so the next touchstart continues to move the same div. This mode only ends with a click action.
    • If the user puts down another finger in the following-the-finger mode, then this should be aborted (same as ESC keydown).
  • two-finger touch
    • Resizing in horizontal direction.
    • If one finger is released but the other stays on the screen, this should stop the size change as it last was (just stop growing but not abort).
    • If the finger goes back into contact before the other finger lets up, the div can go back to changing size.
    • If a third finger is put down on the surface, this should abort the change size and go back to the original size before the change size started.
    • Minimum width and height for the div (20pt fo each).

1.3 Bonus Requirements

  • Resizing in either horizontal or vertical directions.
    • Depending on the orientation of the fingers when they both touch the surface.

2. Deployment

3. Control Strategy

3.1 Mouse Event

Three global variables is used to switch between states:

  • isDown
    • Controls the move and reset operations in dragging mode and following mode.
    • Set to false by default.
    • Set to true on mousedown.
    • Set to false on mouseup.
  • isClicked
    • Controls whether all selected divs should be cleared.
    • Set to false by default.
    • Set to true on click event of a div.
    • Set to false on click event of the workspace.
  • clickWorks
    • Controls whether to change selected div when another div is clicked.
    • Set to true by default.
    • Set to false when in dragging mode and following mode.
    • Set to true after a div or the workspace is clicked.

3.2 Touch Event

The variable touchState is used to store the current state of the process. There are eight states:

  • pending
    • Default mode.
    • On touchmove event of a div, change to draggingTarget state.
    • On touchend event of one-finger tap on a div, change to touchingTarget state.
    • On touchend event of double-tap on a div, change to doubleTouchingTarget state.
  • focused
    • A div is selected and can be further operated.
    • On touchstart of the workspace, if a two-finger touch is detected, change to resizing state.
    • On touchend event of one-finger tap on a div, change to touchingTarget state.
    • On touchend event of double-tap on a div, change to doubleTouchingTarget state.
    • On touchend event of the workspace, change to pending state.
  • touchingTarget
    • Touched but no further changes.
    • On touchend event of the workspace, change to focused state.
  • doubleTouchingTarget
    • A divis double touched but not yet start moving.
    • On touchend event of the workspace, change to movingTarget state.
  • movingTarget
    • A div is double-tapped and in the following-the-finger mode.
    • On touchend event of the workspace:
      • If another finger is put down (Aborted), change to focused state.
      • If a click action (touchstart and touchend quickly in the same place) is detected, change to pending state.
  • draggingTarget
    • If a div is moved and not in abortDragging state, the state will change to draggingTarget state. In this state, the div is in dragging mode and can be dragged.
    • On touchend event of the workspace:
      • If another finger is put down (Aborted), change to abortDragging state.
      • Else if there is a selected div, change to focused state.
      • Else, change to pending state.
  • abortDragging
    • The dragging mode is aborted, and further moving is disabled.
    • On touchend event of a div:
      • If there is a selected div, change to focused state.
      • Else, change to pending state.
  • resizing
    • The selected div is in resizing mode and can be resized in either horizontal and vertical directions.
    • On touchstart event of a div, if a third-finger touch is detected, change to focused state.
    • On touchend event of the workspace, if all fingers have left the screen (e.touches.length == 0), change to focused state.

4. Anything Else

  • Resizing on boundary: Any resizing attempts to make the div out of the boundary of the screen will just be ignored, but the resizing mode continues, in case the user moves their fingers further apart again.