Solving the Point kinetics equation via Taylor expansion
Final project to Nuclear Reactor Physics Experiment 2020 spring semester in SNU
If you have any suggestions to improve PyPKE, please contact via e-mail;
- Git clone to local environment or virtual environment
$ git clone
- Install required packages
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
If this doesn't work, that is probably because you do NOT have pip installed in your environment.
$ sudo apt install python-pip
Also, you might want to check your Python version.
$ python -V
If the version is 3.X, you will have no problem running PyPKE.
$ python -h
usage: [-h] [-F FUNCTION] [-O OUTPUT]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
0(default) : step / 1 : ramp
-O OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
0(default) : *.dat only / 1 : graph only / 2 : both
- Running in default mode: step reactivity + .dat file output only
$ python
- You can now select the kinetic parameters given by different experiments. The parameters can be typed in as lower case.
Initializing PyPKE with step reactivity function
Output file : text only
| Welcome to PyPKE! |
| A numerical analysis of the point kinetics equation. |
| If you want more information about the program, |
| please refer to the or visit the GitHub URL. |
| |
These are the names for the various kinetic parameters serviced by PyPKE
Please enter the kinetics parameters model name:
- By choosing AGN-201K, the next input for reactivity shows up.
Please enter the kinetics parameters model name: agn-201k
Kinetics parameters being used in PyPKE are the following,
>> [0.000331, 0.002198, 0.001963, 0.003972, 0.001156, 0.000465]
>> [0.0124, 0.0305, 0.111, 0.301, 1.13, 3.0]
Prompt neutron life time
Please insert coefficients for reactivity function
Step function
Initial reactivity :
- By typing in arbitrary input values, the result will be created via current directory.
Initial reactivity : -.0001
100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 1000000/1000000 [00:07<00:00, 131821.78it/s]
PyPKE currently supports graphs for neutron-density ratio. (Will soon support precursor-density ratio plot.)
$ python -O 1
Initializing PyPKE with step reactivity function
Output file : graph only
| Welcome to PyPKE! |
| A numerical analysis of the point kinetics equation. |
| If you want more information about the program, |
| please refer to the or visit the GitHub URL. |
| |
These are the names for the various kinetic parameters serviced by PyPKE
Please enter the kinetics parameters model name: agn-201k
Kinetics parameters being used in PyPKE are the following,
>> [0.000331, 0.002198, 0.001963, 0.003972, 0.001156, 0.000465]
>> [0.0124, 0.0305, 0.111, 0.301, 1.13, 3.0]
Prompt neutron life time
Please insert coefficients for reactivity function
Step function
Initial reactivity : -.0001
100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 1000000/1000000 [00:07<00:00, 131821.78it/s]
The graph will be stored in the current directory as .png format.
The kinetics_parameters.txt file reads each line and finds the tag for the model name.
Then it uses the constant floating point values for computation.
The values must be implemented in sequential order, like the example below.
[AGN-201K] # kp model name
<Beta> # beta tag
0.000331 0.002198 0.001963 0.003972 0.001156 0.000465 # Group 1 ~ 6 beta values
<Lambda> # lambda tag
0.0124 0.0305 0.1110 0.3010 1.1300 3.0000 # Group 1 ~ 6 lambda values
<Life-time> # prompt neutron life-time tag
0.0001 # life-time value