
Internet passwords of different facilities/buildings


Internet passwords of various facilities/buildings

Facility/Building Name Password
Computer Engineering CEIT ceit@1380
Computer Engineering CE ceaut@1380
Polymer Engineering poly10 politenmer
Farabi std 64542311
Mining Engineering Me 456789zxc
Mining Engineering Mine04 asdf456asdf
Mining Engineering Mine07 987654321
Mining Engineering Mine08 123123123
Mining Engineering Mine10 asdf456asdf
Energy Engineering * eepwlan12345678
Aerospace Engineering * 0123456789
Biomedical Engineering * 1123581321
Sabouri * 13941394
Faculty of Mathematics bsmath 3.141592
Faculty of Mathematics mathfaculty 12341234
Mechanical Engineering MECH-AUT mechanical-engineering-department
Petroleum Engineering * petroleum
Chemical Engineering CHEMn2_2 polychem2015
Aboreyhan isme2015 isme2015

complete this list by sending merge requests or contact me via Bardia.ardakanian@yahoo.com email.