
The app for the AntiCoding Event organised anually by CSA during APOGEE.

Installing and running the application (For ubuntu and windows)

Guaranteed to work with python 3.5 but not above.

It is advisable to use Anaconda. Follow these instructions to install Anaconda and python 3.5 in the environment:

  1. Install Anaconda(
  2. Create a new conda environment and install python 3.5: $conda create -n NAME_OF_ENV python=3.5, where NAME_OF_ENV is to be replaced by your preferred name.
  3. The environment can be activated by: $source activate NAME_OF_ENV and deactivated by $deactivate.

Refer to this link for more details about using conda environments:

Change the directory to the anticoding folder and enable the environment, then follow these instructions:

  1. $pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. $python migrate
  3. $python createsuperuser and enter details of the administrator. Using the credentials you can login as admin ('/admin'/).
  4. $python runserver , this will start the application on or localhost:8000/app/. This won't allow other computers to connect to the server.
  5. Or you can also $python runserver <IP address>:<port> . You can find the IP address using ipconfig(Windows)/ifconfig(Ubuntu). Port can be anything. Eg: $python runserver This will allow other computers to connect to the server using the same ip address and port(
  6. Or you can simply run $python runserver And other computers to connect to the server using the server ip address and port as 8000.(You can find the IP address using ipconfig(Windows)/ifconfig(Ubuntu))

IMPORTANT: Before deployement during event, remember to change the SECRET_KEY in anticoding/ The app will function without doing this but that would leave a huge security vulnerability.

Now that the server is running, you can go to /admin and login with superuser credentials. The For Admin Object has three fields which should be 0 before starting, and can be made 1 to start that particular round or end the event. The scores for round 1 need to be added to each team listed in Infos section. Ascii scoring is automated. The correctness needs to be checked individually.