A course database lookup tool and schedule building web application for use at Rochester Institute of Technology.
- alecain
- alliekins
- arthielRedmond, WA
- artimus
- bgrawi
- bobschriver
- clichtenberg
- CSH-JenkinsComputer Science House
- cshwiki
- decauseThe Internet
- devinmatte@Datadog
- eemailme
- iGexomeNew York, NY
- JDrit
- jhcloos
- jmyates
- kevinjacobson
- liam-middlebrook@NVIDIA
- lvsq
- mfinegan86
- MstrodlRochester, NY
- nuzzBerlin
- port34
- rbuzzell@InternationalCodeCouncil / General Code
- rgarg8
- rmnill202Included Health
- rossdylanSan Francisco, CA
- rtp-bot
- snmmdt
- speakerbugThe Predictive Index
- tyler-cromwell
- vorless
- Zairousx