
Revise predicted consequences of user and manager actions

bradduthie opened this issue · 1 comments

In functions in the genetic algorithm res_to_counts and policy_to_counts, the projected consequences of actions needs to be fine tuned. As of now, it predicts one fewer resource from movem, killem, and castem, and one more resource from feedem and helpem in res_to_counts. In policy_to_counts, it predicts one fewer resource for killem and one more resource for feedem and helpem. Really, there should probably at least be an option to use more precise estimates of what will happen. For the user function, this matters a bit less because stake-holders typically just want more or less of a resource. Managers, however, are trying to hit a middle ground a lot of the time; it is also more reasonable to assume that they have demographic information on the resources of interest.

This issue has been more-or-less resolved, in that a parameter now controls the predicted consequences for a manager, and it can predict a smaller change in actions from setting a policy (e.g., predicting 0.1 fewer resources from killem instead of 1 fewer resources.