Chaos Professor is a web application that creates some chaos in the JVM.
After cloning with git you can start the web application locally using Maven and Spring boot.
mvn spring-boot:run
The web application runs on port 8080 by default. Open your browser and point to the application (http://localhost:8080). The chaos professor web app exposes a REST API for calling some operations. Following operations are supported:
- Heap: Creates Java heap memory usage by loading random byte data into memory.
- size: size in mb specifies the target size to allocate (default = 5mb)
- time: time in milliseconds to keep the allocated memory (default = 3000ms)
- CPU: Creates CPU load by creating multiple threads that calculate Math.tan() values in endless loop.
- threads: amount of threads to create (default = 10)
- keepAlive: time to keep computing threads alive (default = 5000ms)
Examples how to use the REST API. Open your browser and hit following examples:
Operation properties are optional so you can leave them out as you like.
The web application also exposes Jolokia services with a REST API. So you can access JVM related attributes in your browser:
First example reads the actual JVM memory usage. Second example reads the actual JVM CPU usage in %. The REST API returns JSON objects as response.
You can also execute JMX operations with Jolokia. For example you can call Java garbage collection.