
Push_swap 42 project.

Primary LanguageC


This project will make you sort data on a stack with the help of another stack, using the lowest possible number of actions.


  • sa : swap a - swap the first two elements of pile A.
  • sb : swap b - swap the first two elements of pile B.
  • ss : sa and sb simultaneously.
  • pa : push a - Take out the first element of pile A and put it on top of pile B.
  • pb : push b - Take out the first element of pile B and put it on top of pile A.
  • ra : rotate a - Shift all element of pile A by 1 toward the top. The first element becomes the last.
  • rb : rotate b - Shift all element of pile B by 1 toward the top. The first element becomes the last.
  • rr : ra and rb simultaneously.
  • rra : reverse rotate a - Shift all element of pile A by 1 toward the bottom. The last element becomes the first.
  • rrb : reverse rotate b - Shift all element of pile B by 1 toward the bottom. The last element becomes the first.
  • rrr : rra and rrb simultaneously.


  • git clone the repository
ARG=[random values]; ./push_swap $ARG | ./checker -s -c $ARG

-s: show stacks in real time
-c: colors
-v: debugging mode


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