👋🏾 It's a beautiful day in the Neighborhood

Hey Neighbor! Welcome to my github profile. I'm an experienced software engineer with a deep passion for web development and Deep Learning. I specialize in Typescript, Python, and Java.

About Me

I'm always eager to explore the latest technologies and keep up with the ever-evolving software engineering landscape. Through my blog, I share my expertise, experiences, and insights in web development, covering various topics and trends in the tech industry.


Get in Touch

Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn.


My skills and expertise span across the following technologies:

TypeScript NodeJS Python Java Solidity Next JS React TailwindCSS AWS Prisma Docker Git

Interests and Hobbies

Aside from coding, I have a fascination for robotics and Machine Learning. When I'm not coding, you can find me on the soccer field, chasing the ball. I also find joy in the art of origami.

Side Projects

In addition to my professional work, I've also worked on several software/hardware projects that I'm excited to share with you:

Project Name Description GitHub Repository Demo/Live Version
Arcade You vs AI in mini arcade games Github Repository Demo/Live Version
Rulify Easy way to visualize RRULE string in a ui calendar GitHub Repository Demo/Live Version
Chester Unlock your chess potential with our AI-powered chess tutor, providing insightful analysis to enhance your strategic thinking and master the game. GitHub Repository N/A
Speech GPT A GPT-4 powered CLI chatbot to talk with your speeches. GitHub Repository N/A
KV Store A Simple KV Store Microservice Github Repository N/A


Project Name Description GitHub Repository Demo/Live Version
Kawe Our mission is to revolutionize the way students approach their studies. Let Kawe be your ultimate study companion and achieve academic success with confidence. Github Repository Demo/Live Version
Jumba Innovative recipe generation app, offering a personalized and hassle-free cooking experience akin to HelloFresh. GitHub Repository Demo/Live Version
Brainwave Revolutionize your SAT exam preparation with our cutting-edge AI-powered app that provides personalized study plans, comprehensive practice tests, and advanced performance analytics GitHub Repository Demo/Live Version


I maintain a Blog where I share my thoughts on web development, discuss the latest tech trends, and provide valuable insights. Join me on this exciting journey of software engineering exploration.

Feel free to browse through my repositories and explore my work. Let's collaborate and create something amazing together! 🚀