Rust Drag Race

Rust Drag Race is a drag race simulator implemented entirely within the terminal using Rust programming language. This project is designed to showcase Rust's capabilities in handling simulations and terminal-based applications.

Console Preview


Rust Drag Race is a project developed to improve understanding and usage of Rust structs, ownership, and terminal-based applications. It provides a drag race simulation experience right in your terminal, allowing users to configure race parameters and observe the race progress in real-time.


  • Customizable Car Count: Choose the number of cars participating in the race.
  • Tie Detection: Detect and handle tie scenarios gracefully during the race.
  • Dynamic Race Length: Automatically sets the race length based on the terminal's width for an immersive experience.
  • Optimized for Terminal Height: Limits the maximum number of cars based on the terminal's height to ensure smooth rendering.
  • User Interaction: Provides options to restart the race or exit the application once the race finishes.

Getting Started

To get started with Rust Drag Race, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:

If this does not work, copy the HTTPS clone string at the top of the Github repo.

git clone
  1. Navigate to the project directory:
cd Rust-Race
  1. Build and run the project:
cargo run --release


Once the project is running, you can interact with the drag race simulation as follows:

  • Choose the number of cars to participate in the race.
  • Observe the race progress in real-time as cars move towards the finish line.
  • Upon race completion, you will be prompted with options to restart the race or exit the application.