
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Rust VS Python


I made this for a workshop that demonstrates the speed differences of Rust and shows how that can allow you to speed up Python using Maturin to import Rust code into python projects.

Google Slides

Workshop Video | Video Code: .^aW4igv

How To

This will show you two ways to learn how to use Rust in Python.

Initial Setup

Start with the following instructions and then choose the next step depending on if you want to run this project or start your own.

  • Install Rust and Python (I used 3.8.6) (if not installed)
  • Create Python Virtual Environment using python -m venv .env
  • Activate your venv
  • Run pip install maturin

Choose only one of the next two steps.

For more detailed instructions go to Maturin.

Maturin Setup for this Rust VS Python Demonstration

Use this these instructions to use the code within this project.

  • Run Maturin develop
  • Run Python3 Versus.py

Maturin Setup for a new project of your own

Use these instructions to create your own Python project with Rust functions.

  • Write Python code that uses
  • Run Maturin New
  • Write Rust code
  • Run Maturin develop
  • Import new Rust module into Python