
Repo that confines playbooks related to Hortonworks Data Platform

Ansible Playbooks: HDP

A collection of Ansible Playbooks for creating, modifying and administrating HDP


  • A working environment setup to use the following host groups:

    • hdp: contains all nodes of the cluster
    • utility: the node where the cluster logic and configuration is happening from (Ambari, MySQL, Ranger,...)
    • hadoop: namenodes
    • nimbus: nodes with Storm Nimbus
    • atlas: nodes with Atlas
    • ranger: nodes with Ranger
    • hiveserver: nodes with Hiverserver installed
    • hbase: nodes with HBase Master + HBase Regionserver installed
  • The following Ansible roles need to be available (self written, from github.com/condla or from Ansible-Galaxy)

    • hdp-ambari-agents
    • hdp-mysql-server
    • hdp-ambari-server
    • hdp-security
    • hdp-ranger-deploy-certs
  • A working environment setup to overwrite the default variables of the roles in use corresponding to the environment