Event Session Joiner

  • This is a Spark structured streaming job that is capable of (inner) joining any number streams with any kind of fields on any kind of conditions and output any kind of fields.

  • The input streams must be coming in as JSON objects.

  • The resulting output stream is serialized as JSON.


The job is configured with the following parameters in the config.yml file. The config file needs to be uploaded into HDFS and the path needs to be specified as a command line argument at the job submission time. An example config file can be found here /src/main/resources/config.yml.

  • kafka_bootstrap_servers: quorum of (recommended at least 3) Kafka brokers and their ports; String

  • kafka_security_protocol: protocol to use to connect to the Kafka brokers; String

  • kafka_input_streams: A list of definitions of streams that shall be joined; List

    • name: The name of the stream. It is used to uniquely identify columns with the same name in the join_condition and output_columns; String

    • topic: Kafka topic to read events from; String

    • delay_threshold: The delay an event is kept in memory before it gets flushed, in case events don't arrive at the same time; String

    • columns: Input columns to use from the incoming JSON object. These columns need to be available in the incoming JSON object; List

    • join_condition: The condition on which the stream joins with all of the streams above itself. Thus, the first one in the list does not have a join_condition. In the join_condition: all variables defined in the stream and all previous streams are available; String

  • output_columns: Specify all output columns you want to be using in the output JSON object; List

  • output_format: This should always be kafka; String

  • kafka_output_topic: Specify the Kafka topic, you want the joined stream to be ingested to; String

  • checkpointLocation: Specify the checkpoint location. The checkpoint keeps track of the state so the job can be restarted without losing data. This is a path in HDFS; String


Just run Maven:

mvn clean package


  • This app was written to run on HDP 2.6.5 using Spark 2.3.x

  • Deploy the job jar to the Metron REST node.

  • Adapt the script submit-event-session-joiner.sh to your environment (jar location, filename, keytab location, domain name)

  • To submit the job execute the submit-event-session-joiner.sh script from the Metron REST node.

  • Use YARN to manage the lifecycle (kill, monitor,...) the job.


  • Add unit tests
  • Modularize
  • Feature: specify datatypes