
A jenkins docker slave image, based on centos:latest.

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A jenkins docker slave image, based on centos:latest.

Can be used Out-Of-The-Box with the docker-plugin for Jenkins.

The image on DockerHub is built automatically from the Dockerfile here.

Installed packages

Package Comment
openssh-server Jenkins communicates via ssh with its slaves.
git Most projects use GIT for version control.
lsof Needed by one of my projects for determining if a particular component is running.
unzip Also needed by one of my projects for unzipping 3rd party content.
java Depending on Tag/Branch different Java Versions (OpenJDK7/8 or OracleJDK7/8)


uid username password
1000 jenkins jenkins


Please see the branches (GitHub) or Tags (DockerHub) for versions with other JDK or docker client included.