
Fast and lightweight web scheduler

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT


Fast and lightweight web scheduler.

Work Flow

Setup a schedule and a callback URL, get called back once the schedule is met.


PUT /schedule/<schedule id>

Creates or updates a schedule.


PUT /schedule/run_every_hour HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
Content-Type: application/json

	"cron": "* 0 * * * *",
	"callback_url": "http://requestbin.fullcontact.com/qv3oe4qv"


Name Description Example
cron 6-7 fields Cron expression "* 0 * * * *" to run every round hour
date ISO 8601 date "2022-12-18T15:00:00.00Z" to run at the next FIFA World Cup
delay Delay in seconds 60 to run in 1 minute
callback_url The callback URL https://my-service.com/my-endpoint
priority Priority between 1-10, where 1 is the highest priority. Defaulted to 5. 5

DELETE /schedule/<schedule id>

Deletes a schedule.

DELETE /schedule/my_not_so_wanted_schedule_id HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080


Quick Start using Compose

docker-compose up -d

Running from the Command Line


docker run -e "TIKTAK_CONCURRENCY_LIMIT=10" -e "TIKTAK_REPO_DATABASE=postgres" -e "TIKTAK_REPO_USERNAME=postgres" -e "TIKTAK_REPO_PASSWORD=postgres" -e "TIKTAK_REPO_HOSTNAME=postgres" conduitmobilernd/tiktak

Environment Variables

Name Description Example
TIKTAK_CONCURRENCY_LIMIT The max number of concurrent requests to provided callbacks 10
TIKTAK_REPO_DATABASE Postgres database name postgres
TIKTAK_REPO_USERNAME Postgres username postgres
TIKTAK_REPO_PASSWORD Postgres password postgres
TIKTAK_REPO_HOSTNAME Postgres host name

Setup a Development Environment

# Setup Postgres in /config/dev.exs

# Get dependencies
mix deps.get

# Run DB migration process
mix ecto.create && mix ecto.migrate

# Run Application
iex -S mix

Future Work / NTH

  • Cluster support
  • Get/Query API
  • Authentication
  • Nice interface


The MIT License