Welcome to the official Github space of the team behind HUP.LIFE, the project that brought you $HUP. Here you can find the source code of our smart contracts the moment they are deployed.

Primary LanguageSolidity


Please note that the anticipated dates of our roadmap milestones have now changed.

•In consultation with our marketing agency and after consulting with the community, Fair Launch Date has now been delayed to June 15, 2021 12:01 Eastern Time (America). We have decided to delay the token launch for 45 days so that we can run a comprehensive, full-fledged marketing campaign and build our community prior to token launch. • The smart contract has been live on the Mainnet as of April 20, 2021 (Update: LIVE NOW. Click here to view on BSCScan) • In the coming days we will announce our Chief Compliance Officer and official marketing agency.

The token address is 0xb27e2b29Aa406749Ddeb0741BA189751f83701c0.

You will be able to access it on PancakeSwap for trading starting June 15, 2021 using this address: https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?inputCurrency=0xb27e2b29Aa406749Ddeb0741BA189751f83701c0.

We are proud to announce that we are making the smart contract code, which you can find on our Github here, available to the public under the following Creative Commons licence:

Attribution 4.0 International  (CC BY 4.0) licence • more info here: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

This licence means are free to share, adapt (remix), and build upon the smart contract code - even commercially. You must provide credit and a link to us, and indicate on your site and in your source code what changes were made.

Yes - this means you can take our smart contract code and FORK IT.

Be our guest :)