This project is no longer in development. A newer version of Conjure is in active development.
a p i
Conjure API client
- ngrok
- dnsmasq (
brew install dnsmasq
) npm install
dnsmasq needs some extra config. It allows you to use any .test
domain (conjure.test
, abc.view.conjure.test
, etc), which is needed for viewing running containers.
See this guide for instructions (but replace dev
with test
, since Chrome now hijacks the .dev
GitHub needs public URLs. You can use ngrok to make your localhost public.
- download ngrok
- place ngrok executable at
- run
~/ngrok http conjure.test:2999
- copy the forwarded (non-https) domain name (without the protocol) into
- keep ngrok running while you develop
- restart the app
Must be an Ubuntu EC2
When done, add it to a LB
(do not do this on your local...)- save public key as a deploy key on repo, on github
git clone
sudo apt update
sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib redis-tools
curl -sL | sudo bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
sudo -E npm i -g pm2
sudo chown -R $USER:$(id -gn $USER) /home/ubuntu/.config
- in proj dir, save
(make sureNODE_PATH
is set to the right dir) - in proj dir,
npm install
- in proj dir,
pm2 start ./bash/pm2/ --name "conjure-api"
It's not publicly available. You need to ssh into one of the EC2 boxes, then run:
PGPASSWORD=<PASSWORD> psql -U conjure_admin -d conjure -h <HOST>