Replicates text files from local disk to a structure in Google Drive. Intended to be used from a git repo.
Looks for a YAML file called .gdrive.yaml in the current working directory. These can be specified or overridden with environment variables
Config Keys | Expected values | Environment Variable Name |
base_name | name for google drive folder as base dir | GDRIVEPOPULATOR_BASE_NAME |
credentials | path subkey | |
credentials.path | path to service account credentials file | GDRIVEPOPULATOR_CREDENTIALS__PATH |
credentials.json | service account info in json string form | GDRIVEPOPULATOR_CREDENTIALS__JSON |
deletion | one of 'trash', 'dry', 'skip' (default: dry) | GDRIVEPOPULATOR_DELETION |
drive | name or id subkey | | | name of the shared drive to replicate to | GDRIVEPOPULATOR_DRIVE__NAME | | id of the shared drive to replicate to | GDRIVEPOPULATOR_DRIVE__ID |
logging | logging config - currently only level subkey | |
matchers | list of globs to match to find files to replicate | GDRIVEPOPULATOR_MATCHERS_0...N |
excludes | list of globs to match to exclude files from replication | GDRIVEPOPULATOR_EXCLUDES_0...N |
For a file to be replicated, it must both match a matcher glob and not match any excludes globs.