Click here to view portfolio.
- Mobile-First approach!
- link to Google Maps works!
- phone number is clickable! (number has been modified in the markup, so that it's not a valid number)
used for font-size! (except at final viewport due to need to "freeze" font-size, so would not grow unreasonably large with increasing viewports)
- Flexbox!
- clean, organized Markup and CSS!
- two Google Fonts used
- aimed for styling consistency; for example, to add cushion between sections, always used margin-bottom
- did best to take advantage of cascade
- did best to NOT duplicate style declarations in the media queries unless a style change was being made
- learned a lot about responsive images (much more to learn!)
- invested a lot of time and research in getting hero section and hero textbox to be responsive; happy with result!
Areas that need improvement:
- hero image loads much too slowly
- need to increase knowledge of images, especially how to manipulate vertical sizing and how to implement
- unsure of how to use
with Flexbox
- for the largest viewport (mostly fluid design pattern), want to allow outer margins to be slightly darker color
Thank you for your time. I welcome all feedback - minor and major!