Chat and voice / video calling app using ConnectyCube
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Could not find org.webrtc:google-webrtc:1.0.24180. Required by: project :app > com.connectycube:connectycube-android-sdk-videochat:1.9.2
#120 opened by Ravi-V2R - 2
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Call Ringing Status
#110 opened by tayyabalibasra - 3
How to send a list of chat messages from other screen than chat message screen
#99 opened by ArnoldBrown - 6
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calling screen open when app is killed mode?
#112 opened by Rehachoudhary0 - 3
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Issue is a tech one heads Up
#111 opened by Rehachoudhary0 - 3
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App doesnt work in latest version.
#114 opened by AnuraagKotnala - 2
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User Issue
#106 opened by tayyabalibasra - 13
Android 10 ,11, and above
#105 opened by tayyabalibasra - 2
No incoming call notification
#103 opened by abhi-dasgupta - 1
Can't find account key
#102 opened by akinfopark - 1
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Connectycube android VideoChatWebRTCSignalingManager not getting assigned
#97 opened by archidvignesh - 7
ConnectyCube resets or deletes the user FCM Token from Firebase Messaging as well for the device after unsubscribe from pushes
#98 opened by jddeep - 4
Crash on send message button click
#93 opened by jddeep - 11
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ConnectyCube Dashboard Login
#92 opened by jddeep - 1
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Call from Website to Android dose not work!
#81 opened by mwaked - 7
Messages Missing in Chat screen
#91 opened by jddeep - 5
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Audio echo while Video call
#86 opened by jddeep - 29
Release Apk crash on launch in Application class while initializing ConnectyCube
#87 opened by jddeep - 3
Crash while trying to receive video call
#85 opened by jddeep - 4
Query redarding Connecty Cube user Ids
#84 opened by jddeep - 14
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Android Notifications don't work
#79 opened by CronobotTech - 4
Connectycube chat message push notification is not coming into release build in android
#80 opened by chirag101 - 25
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Token issue while user sign up
#74 opened by aaryan1 - 1
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How can i enable users in my db interact with users in connectycube admin panel
#73 opened by aaryan1 - 6
Error Getting while login in release build
#72 opened by JeetMamtora09 - 4
error unauthorized 401 status code
#70 opened by JSW-JW - 4
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firebase login not working
#67 opened by jksandesh - 1
Session Expire
#68 opened by nigma-dev - 4