This is a command line application for tracking employees. This will be done utilizing Node, Inquirer, and MySQL. Utilizing the application, the user will be prompted with a series of options, such as adding, altering, removing, or simplye viewing entries for employees, roles, or managers. All printed information uses console.table package to format the data nice and clean.
Users of this application are able to:
- Add departments, roles, and employees.
- View departments, roles, and employees.
- Update employee roles.
- Update employee managers.
- View employees by manager.
- Delete departments, roles, and employees.
- View the total utilized budget of a deparment.
Install application.
git clone
Install dependencies.
npm i
Run application.
npm start
Simple demo of a few of the features. Notice, it comes complete with validations and checks so you can't remove an entry that another entry realizes on.
Employee Tracker is released under the Unlicense.