
A very simple Randomizer button for Vanilla MBG

Randomizer Button for Marble Blast Gold

A Very Simple Randomizer button for Vanilla MBG I coded a while ago out of mostly boredom.

What the hell is this?

Basically, this small addon to your Marble Blast Gold experience will add a "Random" button to your Level Select screen. This will let you shuffle through all of your levels on a specific Category, kinda like how PQ's Random button works.

Additionally, when you Randomize, you can check the Console to see what level the Randomizer picked if, for whatever reason, you want to go back to that level later and want to know where it is.

Instructions on installing the Randomizer Button

  1. Download the repo.
  2. Dump the "marble" folder in the root directory of your Vanilla MBG copy (i.e.: where the marbleblast.exe file is located)

NOTE: Make sure that your playmissiongui.gui file (if you even have it) isn't already modded with something else, seeing as dumping the repo files into your copy of Marble Blast Gold would overwrite whatever you had modified on that file. I would advice you to make a copy of that file for backup if you have it and have modified it.

  1. Have fun!