What's For Dinner?


Connor Anderson-Larson


Aaron Decker


Create a website based on comp image whose primary function is the return of a random dish or three course meal. Comp image and proper colors were provided. Final product has the ability to complete previously listed primary functions as well as the option for users to add their own meals to the three meal categories present. Current site iteration can be found here.

Project Details

Project specifications can be found here. The 'CYOA' assignments actively worked on and implemented are 'Entire Meal Functionality', 'Error Handling and Clear Button', and 'User Can Add a Recipe'. Buttons do have an animation on hover, this is not intended to be a part of the 'Intermediate CSS' CYOA assignment; I saw this was a feature mentioned in said assignment after writing the code.

Current Issues

Text sizing on mobile devices is smaller than I like. Buttons have no animation when pressed. Currently no options to add entirely new food groups (breakfast, lunch, etc.).