
Configuration for my NixOS machines.


  • Include nixos-anywhere in flake to version control it.

  • Migrate to use of flake modules

  • Mic92/sops-nix#340

  • Factor out the huge amount of duplication for Disko between the devices


When using the --build-on-remote flag with nixos-anywhere, make sure the remote account is one which Nix trusts. In the NixOS installer, this means root instead of nixos.


When using impermanence rooted at /persist, it's important that the directory provided to --extra-files is has a root of /persist. For example, instead of using --extra-files ./secret_deployment_files/etc/ssh, --extra-files ./secret_deployment_files/persist/etc/ssh.


When using sops, /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key must be present, as it is needed to create the GPG keyring.


After the initial installation, you must run the following on all devices in order to be able to view files encrypted with sops:

mkdir -p ~/.config/sops/age
sudo ssh-to-age -private-key -i /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key >> ~/.config/sops/age/keys.txt


When creating files with sops which can be read by multiple keys, the device creating the file must have access to all the keys. This is because the device creating the file will encrypt the file with all the keys, and the device reading the file will decrypt the file with the correct key.

Binary caches


To delete everything:

sudo systemctl stop atticd.service caddy.service postgresql.service
sudo rm -rf /var/log/caddy /var/lib/{atticd,caddy,postgresql}


Caddy provisions a certificate for the domain, so be aware you will lose that and frequent re-creations will cause Let's Encrypt to rate limit you.

Provision tokens

Create an admin token (hereafter cuda-admin) with

sudo atticd-atticadm make-token --sub cuda-admin --validity 1y \
  --pull "*" \
  --push "*" \
  --delete "*" \
  --create-cache "*" \
  --configure-cache "*" \
  --configure-cache-retention "*" \
  --destroy-cache "*"

Create a builder token (hereafter cuda-builder) with

sudo atticd-atticadm make-token --sub cuda-builder --validity 1y \
  --pull builder-cache \
  --push builder-cache


The pull permission is required for the builder token to be able to successfully push to the cache.

Create a user token (hereafter cuda-user) with

sudo atticd-atticadm make-token --sub cuda-user --validity 1y \
  --pull cuda


After creating a cache with the cuda-admin token, it is import to log in with the limited token to overwrite the entry in ~/.config/attic/config.toml. If we do not, the previous token used, the admin token, will remain in effect.

Create cuda-builder cache

This cache is used for pushing to the global cache, typically by CI or builders. We use the direct subdomain because it is not proxied by Cloudflare, allowing us to upload files larger than 100MB.

Log in to the server with

attic login cuda-builder <cuda-admin token>

Create the cache with

attic cache create cuda-builder:builder-cache

Log in with the token with

attic login cuda-builder <cuda-builder token>

Create cuda-user cache

This cache is used by end-users to pull from the global cache -- however, they will use the cantcache subdomain, which is proxied by Cloudflare.

Log in to the server with

attic login cuda-user <cuda-admin token>

Create the cache with

attic cache create cuda-user:cuda --public

Get the public key and binary cache endpoint for the cache with

attic cache info cuda-user:cuda

Log in with the token with

attic login cuda-user <cuda-builder token>

Push to cuda-builder

Assuming attic is configured to use the direct subdomain, push to the cache with

attic push cuda-builder:builder-cache <store paths>

Alternatively, run and push new store paths with

attic watch-store cuda-builder:builder-cache

Use cuda-server

Set up Nix for the local user to pull from the cache with

attic use cuda-server:cuda

edit your ~/.config/nix/nix.conf to include

substituters =
trusted-public-keys = cuda:vNqURds2iPt4ipOebtuoEP1zDfr2nYHJDlSYzml4gU8=


Generate the secret age key using ssh-to-age:

mkdir -p ~/.config/sops/age
sudo ssh-to-age -private-key -i /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key >> ~/.config/sops/age/keys.txt

Do this for whichever private keys are necessary.

Deploy nixos-desktop with:

nix run "github:nix-community/nixos-anywhere/242444d228636b1f0e89d3681f04a75254c29f66" --builders '' -- \
  connorbaker@ \
  -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 \
  --kexec \
  --flake .#nixos-desktop \
  --build-on-remote \
  --print-build-logs \
  --debug \
  --extra-files /Volumes/nixos-desktop


Deploy nixos-build01 with:

nix run "github:nix-community/nixos-anywhere/242444d228636b1f0e89d3681f04a75254c29f66" --builders '' -- \
  connorbaker@ \
  -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 \
  --kexec \
  --flake .#nixos-build01 \
  --build-on-remote \
  --print-build-logs \
  --debug \
  --extra-files /Volumes/nixos-build01


Deploy nixos-cantcache-me with:

nix run "github:nix-community/nixos-anywhere/242444d228636b1f0e89d3681f04a75254c29f66" --builders '' -- \
  root@ \
  -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 \
  --kexec \
  --flake .#nixos-cantcache-me \
  --build-on-remote \
  --print-build-logs \
  --debug \
  --extra-files /Volumes/nixos-cantcache-me


Deploy nixos-ext with:

nix run "github:nix-community/nixos-anywhere/242444d228636b1f0e89d3681f04a75254c29f66" --builders '' -- \
  connorbaker@ \
  -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 \
  --kexec \
  --flake .#nixos-ext \
  --build-on-remote \
  --print-build-logs \
  --debug \
  --extra-files /Volumes/nixos-ext



  • The normal aarch64-linux tarball kexec image doesn't work, presumably because the Jetson is ✨special✨.
    • In progress: creating a custom kexec image using the Jetpack kernel.

Deploy nixos-orin with:

nix run github:numtide/nixos-anywhere/17efd86530884d11bff52148a5ff2259e2e869ed -- \
  root@ \
  -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 \
  --flake .#nixos-ext \
  --build-on-remote \
  --extra-files /Volumes/nixos-orin