
Sample implementation of Fivetran's REST API using Django/Python3

Primary LanguageHTML

Vandelay Lift

Uplift on the current vandelay demo page. Where do I recognize this name from?


error.html - serves up the error message.

pbfcarddemo.html - serves up the landing page for the PBF demo.

api_calls.py - handles the GET request, POST request, DELETE request, and data dump.

app_funcs.py - handles getting the connectors, getting the configuration for each service, getting the token for the connect card, getting the page for the connectors.

config.py - handles holding the API credentials.

parameters.py - handles the different API parameters and route configurations.

service_config.py - handles building the config object for each service.

views.py - handles rendering the homepage, redirecting to reset demo, redirecting to the connector setup page, etc.

Getting Started


  • Make sure you have brew installed
  • Make sure you have pip installed (comes with Python 3 installation via Brew)
  • Make sure you have virtualenv installed (pip install virtualenv)
  • Make sure you have node installed

Python Stuff

  • Make sure you're using Python 3 python --version or python3 --version
  • Install a virtual env in the project directory: python3 -m venv .venv
  • Activate the virtual env: source .venv/bin/activate
  • Install requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Install tailwind dependencies: python3 manage.py tailwind install

Start the Engines

  • Open up two terminals and run the following commands in each of them. Make sure you have your virtualenv sourced first!

  • Run Tailwind python3 manage.py tailwind start

  • Run Django python3 manage.py runserver

  • For fast setup navigate to the root folder and run ./setup.sh

I'm having problems!

  • Inspect your console and see if it says it can't find the CSS file. If that's true, try and restart the tailwind service (which generates the css file), then restart the django server so it detects the file. That should do it.

Then, navigate to the server in your browser at localhost:8000 😊

All files will automatically reload when they're changed via browsersync. If you want to adjust the base styling, it's in vandelay_project/theme/templates.

Available URLs: