
A micro metrics framework for FFWD

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Build Status Test Coverage

A micro library for sending metrics to a FFWD agent.


  • Python 3.6. Tests pass on Python 3.6, 3.7, and 3.8, and on the latest PyPy3 at build-time.
  • Support for Linux & OS X

To Use

(env) $ pip install shumway


Create a default counter and send to FFWD:

import shumway

mr = shumway.MetricRelay(SERVICE_NAME)

Initialize a counter with a value

import shumway

mr = shumway.MetricRelay(SERVICE_NAME)
counter = shumway.Counter(metric_name, SERVICE_NAME, value=10)
mr.set_counter(metric_name, counter)

Different increment values

Create a named counter and increment by a value different than 1:

import shumway

mr = shumway.MetricRelay(SERVICE_NAME)
mr.incr(METRIC_NAME, 2)

Custom Counter Attributes

Set custom attributes for metrics:

import shumway

mr = shumway.MetricRelay(SERVICE_NAME)
counter = shumway.counter(metric_name, SERVICE_NAME,
                          {attr_1: value_1,
                           attr_2: value_2})

mr.set_counter(metric_name, counter)

NB: If you use duplicate names when calling set_counter it will overwrite the counter. You will likely want to use a unique metric name for each set of attributes you are setting.


import shumway

mr = shumway.MetricRelay(SERVICE_NAME)
timer = mr.timer('timing-this-thing')

with timer:
    ...task you want to time


Custom Timer Attributes

Timers can also be created independently in order to set custom attributes:

import shumway

mr = shumway.MetricRelay(SERVICE_NAME)
timer = shumway.Timer('timing-this-thing', SERVICE_NAME,
                      {'attr_1': value_1, 'attr_2': value_2})

with timer:
    # ...task you want to time

mr.set_timer('timing-this-thing', timer)

Interacting with metrics objects

Metric objects (like a timer) themselves have a flush function as well as a as_dict function

import shumway

timer = shumway.Timer('timing-this-thing', SERVICE_NAME,
                      {'attr_1': value_1, 'attr_2': value_2})
timer_as_dict = timer.as_dict()
timer.flush(lambda dict: do_smth())

Default attributes for non-custom metrics

MetricRelay can create metrics with a common set of attributes as well:

import shumway

attributes = dict(foo='bar')
mr = shumway.MetricRelay(SERVICE_NAME, default_attributes=attributes)

Resource Identifiers

MetricsRelay and send resource identifiers as well:

import shumway

resources = dict(podname='my_ephemeral_podname')
mr = shumway.MetricRelay(SERVICE_NAME, default_resources=resources)

For more on resource identifiers see Heroic Documentation

Sending Metrics

There are two ways to send metrics to the ffwd agent:

Emit one metric

You can emit a one-off, event-type metric immediately:

import shumway

mr = shumway.MetricRelay('my-service')

# some event happened
mr.emit('a-successful-event', 1)

# some event happened with attributes
mr.emit('a-successful-event', 1, {'attr_1': value_1, 'attr_2': value_2})

# an event with a multiple value happened
mr.emit('a-successful-event', 5)

Flushing all metrics

For batch-like metrics, you can flush metrics once you're ready:

import shumway

mr = shumway.MetricRelay('my-service')

# measure all the things
# time all the things

if not dry_run:

Existing Metrics

Check for existence of metrics in the MetricRelay with in:

>>> import shumway
>>> mr = shumway.MetricRelay('my-service')
>>> counter = shumway.Counter('thing-to-count', 'my-service', value=5)
>>> mr.set_counter('thing-to-count', counter)
>>> 'thing-to-count' in mr
>>> 'not-a-counter' in mr

Custom FFWD agents

By default, shumway will send metrics to a local ffwd agent at

If your ffwd agent is elsewhere, then pass that information through when initializing the MetricRelay:

import shumway

mr = shumway.MetricRelay(SERVICE_NAME, ffwd_ip='', ffwd_port=19001)

# do the thing

Sending Metrics via HTTP to FFWD

Instead of via UDP it is also possible to send metrics via HTTP by setting the use_http flag:

import shumway

mr = shumway.MetricRelay(SERVICE_NAME,

The ffwd_host parameter should be the HTTP endpoint and optionally ffwd_path can be set to specify the path.



3.0.0 - 3.0.3

  • Major version bump due to dependency updates and change to supported Python versions.


  • Positional arguments for Meter(), Counter(), Timer(), and MetricRelay(...).emit() were changed to add resources. If using only named arguments this should not be a problem.

Developer Setup

For development and running tests, your system must have all supported versions of Python installed. We suggest using pyenv.


$ git clone git@github.com:spotify/shumway.git && cd shumway
# make a virtualenv
(env) $ pip install -r dev-requirements.txt

Running tests

To run the entire test suite:

# outside of the virtualenv
# if tox is not yet installed
$ pip install tox
$ tox

If you want to run the test suite for a specific version of Python:

# outside of the virtualenv
$ tox -e py36

To run an individual test, call nosetests directly:

# inside virtualenv
(env) $ nosetests test/metrics_test.py

Code of Conduct

This project adheres to the Open Code of Conduct. By participating, you are expected to honor this code.