
This project is mainly to introduce my technical experience, because the working code is not convenient to upload to the public network, so I used the screenshot and encrypted the API information.

REST API & Asynchronous service

The figure below shows the project architecture of the whole content moderation team. I am mainly responsible for the API service's development and performance optimization. main_service_arch

The entrance of the main audit service API_0

The uri config API_1

The handler layer, for the HTTP request response and processing API_2

The service layer, logic implementation part, interacte with database, message queue and third-party services. API_3


The main purpose of this service is to provide real-time monitoring of main APIs, so as to analyze peak hours and offer warnings, and then optimize the service

The architecture of API conditions monitoring. data_monitoring_arch

The data visualization on the Kibana. data_monitoring_result