
a script to turn HanziVG data into colored stroke order diagrams

Primary LanguageHTML




hanzi_colorize.py is a script for coloring, resizing, and renaming the stroke order diagrams from the HanziVG project. It's basically a clone of cayennes/kanji-colorize written to create sets that make it possibe to easily add stroke order diagrams to an anki kanji deck, but they can be used for anything you want some nicely colored stroke order diagrams for.

CAUTION: I have not tested the pure script functionality yet, only the Anki addon integration! Also, the python tests are currently failing because I haven't adapted them from KanjiVG to HanziVG yet!

Using with Anki


There is an addon for Anki2 coming soon. Meanwhile, read the "Development" section below.

The addon aims to be compatible with the note types made available with the "Fluent Forever" language learning method. If there are multiple stroke order fields in a note type (e.g. the "All Purpose Chinese/Japanese Card"), only the first field is getting populated with all the stroke order diagrams. You'll have to cut/paste them to their respective fields.

Downloading and Running the Software

The hanzi_colorize.py script makes it possible to generate diagrams to your own specifications. It may have issues with a python not built with wide-character support


If there's anything you think would improve the Anki addon, you can use the issue tracker .

If you find an error in the stroke order data, please use the HanziVG issue tracker .


Have you created an improvement to KanjiColorizer that you think other people would also like to have? If so, please submit a patch or a pull request! I'm not always very prompt but I do get to them eventually.

Please make sure existing tests pass. Even better, add new tests for anything you add. Either doctest or unittest is fine, though ideally the doctests would contain executable examples that fully illustrate the function and the unittest tests would contain further worthwhile checks.

Activate the virtual environment and install requirements:

$ python3 -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

To run the existing tests:

$ python -m kanjicolorizer.colorizer
$ python -m unittest discover -s kanjicolorizer

To create a new release:

$ paver dist_anki_addon

Test by unzipping the zip file in dist into a new directory in ~/.local/share/Anki2/addons21 (or the equivalent for the OS being tested).


The code is available under the Affero GPL version 3 or later and the SVG images are available under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0. See file headers and files in licenses/ for more information.