
Your favorites cheatsheets for 42 school!

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

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42.kiyo.ooo is a simple command-line markdown wiki to access command line cheatsheets, to simplify your life at 42 School. To use it, you just have to:

curl 42.kiyo.ooo/help

How does it works?

It simply uses an express server to serve ansi text files.


  • 42-api.js: ^1.0.1
  • cli-marked: ^5.1.0
  • dotenv: ^10.0.0
  • express: ^4.17.2
  • express-useragent: ^1.0.15
  • fs: ^0.0.1-security
  • image-to-ascii: ^3.0.13
  • marked: ^4.0.10
  • morgan: ^1.10.0
  • pug: ^3.0.2
  • superagent: ^7.1.1

This project require graphicsmagick:


brew install graphicsmagick


sudo apt install graphicsmagick


👤 Conobi

👤 X3ne


Feel free to contribute and add your own markdown sheets!

Show your support

Give a ⭐️ and tell the person next to you if the project helped you!


Copyright © 2021 Conobi. This project is GPL-3.0-or-later licensed.