
WARNING: vue-instant-menu is at the pre-alpha stage of development and may undergo significant changes.

Getting started

  1. Install the plugin:
npm install --save vue-instant-menu
  1. Add the plugin into your app:
import Vue from 'vue'
import VueInstantMenu from 'vue-instant-menu'

  1. All done! The components have been globally registered and are ready for use!


HTML Structure

Once the vue-instant-menu and menu-item components are installed globally, they can be used in templates in the following manner:

    <menu-item menu-title="Home" menu-href="#"></menu-item>
    <menu-item menu-title="Features" menu-href="#">
        <menu-item menu-title="Elements" menu-href="#"></menu-item>
        <menu-item menu-title="Pricing Tables" menu-href="#"></menu-item>
        <menu-item menu-title="Icons" menu-href="#"></menu-item>
    <menu-item menu-title="Portfolio" menu-href="#"></menu-item>

This plugin currently only supports one level of nested menu


Properties for the component vue-instant-menu

Property Type Default Description
mobileBreakpoint integer 992 Controls the breakpoint at which the layout switches to mobile
fontFamily String inherit General font
color String #333 Desktop link color
mobileBackgroundColor String #333 Mobile slideout panel color
mobileColor String #fff Mobile text color
dropdownColor String #fff Desktop dropdown text color
dropdownBackgroundColor String #333 Desktop dropdown background color
mobileOpenButtonFill String #333 Fill color of mobile hamburger menu
activeColor String #3490dc The color of the currently active menu item

Properties for the component menu-item

Property Type Default Description
menuTitle string Text content of the menu item
menuHref string The URL that the menu item will link to
isActive boolean Sets whether the current menu item is active or not

Custom labels

If you want to use something other than the default elements for you labels you can use the custom named slot on the menu-item component:

    <menu-item menu-title="Home" menu-href="#" :is-active="true"></menu-item>
        <template slot="custom">
            <!-- Your awesome svg in here! -->
    <menu-item menu-title="Features" menu-href="#"></menu-item>
    <menu-item :is-active="true" menu-title="Portfolio" menu-href="#"></menu-item>

Custom mobile drawer buttons

If you want to swap out the default buttons on mobile, use these named slots:

    <template slot="mobile-open-button">
    <template slot="mobile-close-button">
    <menu-item menu-title="Home" menu-href="#"></menu-item>
    <menu-item menu-title="Portfolio" menu-href="#"></menu-item>
