
A chaining language

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A chaining language

Link indicators

(truthy links wrap to beginning of current section if fail)

  • C-link: move to the next section
  • D-link: pop N; if N is nonzero, move to the next section
  • F-link: pop N, if N is zero (falsey), move to the next section
  • J-link: pop N; move to the Nth section
  • M-link: pop N; move over N sections
  • P-link: pop N, M; if M is nonzero, move to the Nth section
  • Q-link: pop N, M; if M is nonzero, move over N sections
  • X-link: wrap back to beginning of section


  • "..." write string characters
  • ' write next char
  • : duplicate
  • h head
  • d tail
  • ~ switch top two
  • ; duplicate entire stack
  • + add
  • / divide
  • - minus
  • * times
  • ^ exponent
  • 0-9 push number
  • c current links
  • n number of links
  • U begin scanning, ignore links, and record as string, until another U. (escapable); adds U to the front
  • V begin scanning until V met in same position
  • ! skip character (works in U)
  • L jump to last link
  • p print stack
  • r reverse stack
  • g print char
  • j print number
  • x end program
  • f fold