
Asks an ethereum node for its contents (block, tx, logs, topics) dump them into a PSQL

Primary LanguageGo

Event Crawler

It reads the JSON RPC API of an ethereum node and dumps its results into a PSQL database.

Run a PSQL database using docker

Just use the command

make run-psql

Will mount the dir $HOME/.psql and have a DB for you.

You need to setup your database if it is the first time using it. Use the instructions below.

Setup the database

You can have your database already, or you can use docker as above. This script will set you up with your database.

Get in a console able to use psql and Run

psql -U postgres

TIP: If you are running PSQL with docker, to access bash inside the container do

docker exec -ti <psql-container> /bin/bash

Once inside you create your database with


Now you need to restore the schema. Do from the comamnd line

psql -U postgres bentobox < database.sql

You are good to go.

Retrieving program dependencies

make boostrap

Compiling the program

make crawler

Will put your program in ./build/bin/crawler. This is compiled for debian though. To run it...

Running the program

make run-crawler

Which will run the program inside the dev container.

Adding arguments to the executable inside the container

To add arguments, do, for example

ARGS="--help" make run-crawler

Herman, I want to compile and run the program without docker

Fine. Do,

glide install # You need to have glide (https://github.com/Masterminds/glide)
go build -o build/bin/crawler main.go